Chapter 2: Teeny Weeny Crush

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Isabella's POV

As I stood in front of the Greek god, I couldn't help but curse myself for my small height. I just reached his neck, and had to look at him, craning my neck. Wait, it isn't me that is short. I am five feet seven . I shouldn't blame myself but this Adonis over here.

Perfection! That's what he was.

Six foot tall male. ✔Check.

Handsome. ✔Check.

Stormy Grey eyes. ✔Check.

Kissable lips. ✔Check.

What more do girls need? Money? Even though that's not a necessity for me, I bet he had billions of dollars in his account. With his good looks, I had no doubt about it.

The man in front of me, Cole, was a perfect defination for a handsome man. He had long black hair, which sat messily on his forehead, making my fingers itch to remove them, or atleast feel the silky softness of it. He had a short stubble. And jawline that could cut through anything.

And don't get me started on his hands. The way they held my hand, had turned my legs into jelly. As if I would fall if he were to let go of my hand. It was just a handshake, nothing more, but that had me being putty on the floor.

I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard Drake's comment. It also made my cheeks hot with fire.

“You should let go of each other's hand and sit down now. ”

This was his exact sentence that made not only me, but the god in front of me blush too.

“So Bella. How was your life in California? ” Drake asked breaking the awkward silence.

“Um.. It was good. I miss the place but it's better now that I am in my home once again.”

He hummed and went back to talking with Aly.

Meanwhile, Cole and I sat quietly, as if we would lose all our money if we speak a word.

Why did I agree to come to this stupid club? I thought groaning. If it weren't for Aly's promise of buying me my favorite ice cream, I would be in my bed, watching my favorite k-drama.

I sighed. This was really a bad idea. I shouldn't have fallen for her tricks.

“So what do you do, Isabella?” I was brought out from my internal groaning by the deep, masculine voice of the Greek god. I cleared my throat, hoping my brain would also be cleared, making me forget my stupid thoughts.

“I-I am an internal decorator for buildings. I mean Interior designer basically.” Way to go Isa. You have successfully managed to make a fool out of yourself in front of this fine specimen of Homo saphian.

Why would you stutter? And that stupid rambling. I mentally smacked my forehead. You could have just said that you are an interior designer. Why the huge struggle?

Okay. I have officially gone mad. I have begun talking to myself.

I was again brought out of my thoughts by his voice.

“Good to hear. Did you get a job?” He asked smiling and getting comfortable on the couch. He was directly opposite to me, his grey eyes staring right into my soul, making me shiver.

“Not yet. I just arrived here a week ago and I am just settling in. For the time being, I'm free-lancing. ”

He nodded, and I went back to playing with my fingers nervously. I don't know why I am nervous, it's not like I am interviewing for a job here.

“What do you do? ” I asked him, making his eyes go wide.

“I am the C.. the Manager. Yeah, manager in a company.” He cut himself off in the middle, after stuttering a little.

I nodded smiling, waving my hand at his cute yet nervous behavior.

“Come on Bella. Let's dance. ” Aly pulled me along with her without giving me time to adjust, almost tripping me in these long heels.

She started jumping and moving her body, in weird ways and laughing like a mad woman, while I just stood in the middle of the dance floor with drunk people dancing like there was no tomorrow. I didn't understand people's obsession with partying. You could live without partying.

The messy bodies, the drunkenness was not my cup of tea. I'd rather prefer to sit at home and paint, or watch Netflix, or read a book.

Once again I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt a hand pull mine.

Looking at the owner, my heart started beating loudly. It was him. Cole.

“Let's go. Come with me. ” He shouted over the loud music. I nodded in a daze and followed him outside, not before making sure that Aly knew that I would be leaving with Cole.

We walked together on the road, silently, just content with each other's presence.

Sometimes just the presence of the right person would be enough to keep one happy. But the part of finding the right person was where people gave up, and got together with someone with whom they were attracted to for a second.

Although I didn't know Cole, and had just met him a few hours ago, I felt that I could trust him. Trust him, that he would not allow any harm come to me.

I had a crush. Just a teeny weeny crush on Cole.

Or was it just that?

♡♡♡♪ ♬ ヾ(´︶'♡)ノ ♬ ♪♡♡♡

This chapter was bit cringe actually, I am sorry for that. But trust me, it gets better 🙃

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