Chapter 18

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When I came back home there was complete silence even though she was at home. My coffee was not in the flask and she was in our room bundled up in blankets.
I called her and she didn't reply.

I went ahead and sat next to her. Her face was dull and when I checked the temperature she didn't have fever. "Nidhi... Wake up. What happened?"
She slowly blinked her eyes and finally got up from the bed and sat next to me.
"What happened? You look so pale?"
"I just had some headache. So I came back early."
"Did you take medicines?"
She nodded.
"What about lunch?"
She nodded again.
"Go and freshen up. Ill get you some coffee."

She went ahead to freshen up. When I checked her lunch box it was clearly untouched, there was no leftovers in kitchen. That simply meant she skipped lunch. God this girl....

She came out of shower with her comfortable clothes.
"You didn't have lunch Nidhi. I'm sure you didn't have medicines too"
"No Nidhi. This puppy face won't do anything. You'll decently eat something and take your medicines"
I went to kitchen to prepare fried rice since it was the quickest possible option now.

I was slicing the veggies when she came to kitchen and back hugged me.
"I'm sorry. I was really not hungry and headache is fine now"
" Still you need to eat Nidhi."
I finished cooking but my dear personal koala bear was not planning to leave me.
"Feed me"
She said as soon as I plated the rice.
She was unusually clingy today, not that I complain.
"What happened... my wife is behaving like a baby today?"
I asked her as I fed her.
"Is it wrong?"
She murmured as she enjoyed her food.
"Of course not. But is everything OK?"
As per my knowledge there's still time for her menstrual cycle, so this is definitely not her PMS phase. Did she get a call from home or something...?

"Everything is fine. I just wanted to spend time with you that's all"
"Fine. Eat your medicine and sleep well. I'll freshen up and come back."
She nodded and laid on bed.
She was sound asleep when I came back. I finished eating and prepared for my classes on the next day. Later I joined her on bed and she kept hugging me tightly whole night.

"Can't we skip classes today?"
She asked me next day. It was my first time seeing her talking about skipping classes. Something is definitely wrong.
"No Nidhi. We both have lab today. Even yesterday you didn't attend classes. Your head ache is fine today right? So we will go to college. If you can't handle then I'll drop you home early"
She got up without interest and got ready for college. She reached college much later than I did, even though we left at the same time.

I was busy with some paper works in department since I didn't have classes in the morning and directly had lab after 11.

Students were carrying out their experiments normally and I was in the staff room of lab checking their records as usual. There was a loud sound from the inorganic lab and students came to staff room to inform us that there were continuous fumes of chemical in lab.

We asked the students to vacate the lab and asked the lab attender to clean the lab. When we asked about the details of the mishap, one of the students in inorganic lab, Mayoori told us that Nidhi happened to knock the Thionyl Chloride solution bottle.
But Nidhi kept saying it wasn't her mistake.

"Stop it Nidhi. I've seen it right in front of my eyes. Why can't you admit you did it?"
"Mayoori you know I didn't. Why would I do it?"
The argument went on and the inorganic lab in charge and our HOD asked them to stay silent.
"You should admit your mistakes Shrinidhi. We can understand you didn't do it on purpose. But please be responsible once you enter the lab. These chemicals are costly and also hazardous. Your carefreeness can cost a lot"
He warned everyone.

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