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We're getting to the end of the first quarter and it's getting really stressful. Nothing more has happened with Mrs. Sumner and I. Other than a few texts every now and then but we never really talk about anything. I want to get to know her more.

It's the week of midterms. I've studied already way too much. Mrs. Sumner hasn't been herself lately though. She's seems overly stressed, probably because of midterms coming up.

I decide to shoot her a quick text. 'Hey are you all good? ~Brooke'

She picks up her phone and a smile beams across her face. 'I'm fine. Thank you. ~ Mrs. Sumner' She sets her phone down and looks up and smiles. I read the text, but I know something isn't right.

'You can talk to me if you need to talk or want to talk...' I replied. Maybe she just needs someone to talk to. I like her company and I think she enjoys mine.

'Thank you Brooke.' The bells rings seconds later and I stay behind. I walked up to her desk and leaned in, my hands resting on her desk.

"Hey Mrs. Sumner, I know I'm younger and I might not understand you problems but I'm a listening ear. Anytime. You can talk to me." Something about me trying to comfort her made me good. I could feel my heart warm. I want to be able to comfort her. "Also in case no one has told you yet, you look very beautiful today." I say as I walk to sit on her couch. I sit in the middle and lean back.

"Aaww thank you," she smiled. "I've just been really stressed lately," she says letting out a long sigh. "Somethings in my personal life are getting pretty complicated." She grabs a bowl full of strawberries from her mini fridge and walks over to me on the couch. She sits down and leans back into the corner, sitting criss cross.

"I'm sorry. Do you want to talk about it?" I made a half smile as she sits down.

"Strawberry?" "Sure." She reaches me the bowl and I grab one. "Well you see, with midterms coming up I've been pretty stressed. Which I know is usually more stressful for the students. But making the test and study guide is stressful too." She finishes and takes a bite of her red strawberry. I imagine the beautiful color of her nipples and how I would rather be licking them than eating a strawberry. Come on Brooke, get yourself together the woman is upset.

"Yea I figured you were stressed. You haven't been yourself lately." "Yea and my husband and I haven't been seeing much of each other lately." She explains finishing her strawberry and grabbing another one.  "Oh" I say surprised. I thought her and her husband were always good. They are the school staff couple to be. I take a bite out of my strawberry, they're very sweet.

"I'm sorry about that. That must be upsetting." I'm not sure what to say. I'm not actually sorry, because the thought of her and her husband in bed together makes me upset. I want to be the one with her in bed. "He's just always watching football games or at a football game now."

"It's j-just getting a bit much." Tears start rolling down her face. She sets the bowl of strawberries on the side table and lets her face fall into her hands. She sniffles and cries. It's a quiet cry and I see her shaking trying to catch her breath. I pull her into me and hold her. "I'm so sorry Mrs. Sumner." I say rubbing her back. She just cries into my shoulder. "I-I just...It's just... I can't do it anymore." She stutters and tries to breathe. I feel her tears soaking my t-shirt. "Ssshhh. Ssshhh. It's okay." I rub her back and she starts to take deeper breaths and slow her breathing. "I'm so sorry, Brooke. You shouldn't be seeing me cry," she says looking up at me, smearing her mascara.

"It's okay Mrs. Sumner." I hold her face in my hands and wipe the tears away with my thumbs. "I understand. I really do. Life is hard. Sometimes we just need a good cry." She looks up at me and gives me a soft kiss on the lips. I kiss her back. I pull back and give her a kiss on the forehead and tuck her short hair strands behind her ear.

"Seriously, Brooklynn, thank you. Brooke I'm sorry." She grabs tissues and dries her eyes. "Of course Mrs. Sumner. Don't mention it." She's all better now. I guess she just needed a good cry which is understandable. Her life does seem stressful.

"Why do you like to go by Brooke and not Brooklynn?" She asked making eye contact. I looked away and put my head down. "I don't really want to talk about it right now." "Oh. Okay."

"So how are the kids?" I ask, changing the subject. " Oh they're fine, growing up. We talk on about her family and get into many topics I don't even know how we got into to. Before I know it it's 3:30pm

"Do you think you could give a ride home?"  I asked changing the subject. "Sure thing!" A bright smile lights up her face.


Great. It's raining. "I'll unlock the car and we can run." She says. "Why'd you park so far away?" I say laughing. "I don't know. Come on!" She shouts over the thunder. She grabs my hand and starts running. Shit! I start running and we're both laughing, while running in the rain. She lets go of my hand as we get closer to the trunk of the car, separating. The loss of her touch hits me, I want it back. We both jumped in the car at the same time.

We both start laughing as she starts the car and looks over at me. Her hair is drenched. She looks cute with her hair wet. I see her look down and back up at me. What is she looking at? I look down at my shirt. Shit! I'm wearing a white t-shirt. And of course, you can see through my bra and my shirt. My nipples are hard from the cold and I cross my arms. She just looks back up at me and smiles. "Sorry." She apologizes.

I laugh. "Did you need my address?"

"I don't think so. Do you want anything to eat or need anything before you go home?" She asked looking over at me.

"I think I'll be good," I started. "We can grab Starbucks," she smiled at me, "so you can dry off and let the rain slow down a bit."

"Okay, sounds good," I grinned. She pulled out of the parking lot and made her way to Starbucks. She told me more about her two boys. "They're just growing up so fast. I never really expected it to go by so quick!" She exclaimed looking at me with a shocked look on her face. "Yea kids grow pretty fast before you know it, they'll be in high school like me." I responded with a cheerful voice.

She pulled into Starbucks. "What would you like honey?" "I'll just get whatever you're getting." I didn't know what she liked but this was a way to figure it out. Sometimes in the morning I see her with a Starbucks coffee or refresher, so I guess it'll be a hit or miss today. "May I have two grande vanilla sweat cream cold brews with extra sweat cream and cold foam on top? Oh and a birthday cake pop please!" Damn that's kind of long. But I like coffee so I'll most likely enjoy it. And it's something she likes so I'm glad I got to learn something. "Here you go Mrs. Sumner." I tried to reach her money but she wouldn't take it. Dad had given me $200 bucks to spend on whatever I needed for the school year but I had never used it. I thought this way I could at least use some of it. "Oh I got it honey no worries."

"Here you go sweetie." She hands me the drink. She pulls into a parking space. "Try it." She has a big smile across her face. She must be excited for me to try it. I pull the cup to my lips and take a drink. Damn this is really good. I love it. Probably my new favorite drink. I feel my eyes get wide. She take a drink of hers and licks her lips. Damn her lips are perfect.

"It's good right. It's my favorite drink." She smiles and laughs. "You have some cold foam on your lip. Here." She gently grabs my chin and turns my face towards her. She leans in for a kiss. I kiss her back. She tastes like sweet coffee. I could devour her mouth all the time if she tasted like this. "Sweet!" She pulls back and laughs. I laugh with her and smile. Mrs. Sumner is so beautiful when she's happy.

"Oh and of course we can't forget..." She pulls out the birthday cake pop. She hold it up and we take a bite out of it at the same time. Her soft lips touch mine. "Mmmmm, that's good!" She hands me the rest to finish.

"You're so beautiful Brooke, you know." She lays her hand against my cheek. "So beautiful."

I feel my face warm and my heart pumping faster and louder. "So are you Mrs. Sumner. I don't ever want you to forget it either. No matter what." I smile and lay my lips softly against hers. I turn and set my drink down. "Alright let's get you home," she whispered and turned back around.

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