23| Sunset

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Chapter 23: Sunset (Vanessa's POV)

An outdoor table was booked for tonight and while it wasn't near the beach since we were on the other side of the hotel, we still had a pretty view of the garden right outside the building. When Aaron and I reached our table, most of the people were already there but a few were still missing and that included his dad and brother. 

Without interrupting the conversations going on, Aaron and I took our seats next to each other. When I went to pull out my chair, he nudged my hand off and pulled out the chair for me. I turned to look at him, surprised that he did that. Opening doors is one thing and pulling out chairs is another. The reaction of everybody sitting around us would agree. Everyone fell quiet and stared at him, surprised. 

He nodded towards the seat pointedly and I bit back a laugh and settled for a smile, sitting down. I mumbled a few 'hey's' to people and then the missing people joined us too. I didn't have to look up to realize that Nick had sat down across from me and their father had sat across from Aaron. 

I still don't even know his name. I should probably know it. 

I leaned back in my seat and towards Aaron. He knowingly brought his ear closer to me. "What's your dad's name?" I asked, whispering as softly as I could. I barely heard myself. 

He turned to me in confusion. "Why are you asking?" 

"Shouldn't I know what to call him? Mr. What?" 

"Mr. Nothing, he's not important," he replied. 

"I know that. But a girlfriend would know her boyfriend's Dad's name. Don't you think so?" 

He paused, holding my gaze. His eyes moved across my face, falling to my lips. 

I blinked, taking in a small breath when I realized how close we were. Our noses almost touched. I wanted to pull away, it felt too close, but there were so many people here. 

"Logan," he answered. "His name's Logan." 

I nodded in understanding, spotting the fuzz in his hair from the towels. I reached up, pulling it out and letting it drop to the floor. "Fuzz," I mumbled before pulling away and facing the table. 

People were talking again now but their eyes were still on us. My eyes scanned everybody's expressions. I could tell that Jade, Madison, and Lyla were suppressing amused smiles. Daisy and Celia didn't really seem to care. Julian, Zach, and Thomas were busy in their own conversation. Harry was texting someone, if I know him then probably his wife, he was probably checking in on his family. 

And John was watching Aaron and me with so much suspicion, his eyes were narrowed, his lips pursed. It looked like he was trying to solve an unsolved mystery. And failing. 

Now that I think about it, our office employees make up most of the guests on this trip. There are no more than three couples and then Nick and Mr. Logan from Davidson and Judith's side but I don't know if anyone else will join us on the trip. 

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