37.Never have i ever.

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The cabin looked decent from the outside and when we got inside it seemed much bigger. There was wooden walls and a tall sealing in the living room. Big windows cowered the front and back. It was sorta shaped like a rectangle.

Chris threw off her clothes, leaving her in just a fleece jumper and pants. She went into every room to look, and as she reached the one she wanted she threw herself on the bed. "This is mine." She said to me as I looked at her from the doorframe of the room.

The bed was a little bigger then a single bed, and it was placed in the middle of the room. Two big windows over it and a nightstand on either side. There was a big mirror on one wall and a big lamp hanging from the tall sealing.

I took a look in the other rooms. There was five bedrooms in total. On for Chris, one for Ryan, one for Lorenzo, one for Nicolas and his girl, and one for me. I would prefer to sleep with Ryan, but whatever.

I took off my clothes and was left with some leggings and a thin fleece jumper. I shivered a bit as I sat down on the couch. My hands were wrapped around my legs to keep me warm.

Ryan walked out to the living room too and noticed that I was shaking. He walked over to the fireplace and started making a fire. "Are you cold?" He asked with his back turned to me.

He was wearing some loose leggings and a fleece jumper as well. "Yeah." He took a long pause without answering, and got up. The fireplace was now lit.

"Want me to warm you? Body heat you know?" He said with a little smirk on his face. Oh I see... he was in that kinda mood—feeling flirty.

"Not here." I said flatly and grabbed a blanket. Lorenzo still hadn't arrived, neither had Nicolas. But Chris, I didn't want to do anything with people around. And especially when those people didn't understand me and Ryan's relationship, to be honest I didn't either. I just didn't want them to think I was like the girls he used to bring, because I wasn't.

His smirk didn't drop and he started walking closer to me. I pressed myself to the corner of the couch to make space for him, but his eyes were glued to me. "Are you sure?" He said and leaned in closer to me. So close I could feel his breath on my face.

I nodded slightly. "Say it." He said in a demanding voice. My eyes were glued to his as he spoke. "Tell me you don't want me and I'll stop." My face slowly drifted forward and I shut my eyes.

Just as our lips was about to touch someone opened the cabin door. I quickly pushed Ryan away from me and he sat down as if nothing happened on the opposite end of the couch. Luckily the main door were in another room so no one saw anything.

Chris came walking out of her room and gasped. "Omg you've got alcohol." She cheered. I looked confused over at Ryan who's attention was fully on Chris.

Nicolas and his girl came into the room with a bag of different liquids. "What will your dad say?" I asked Ryan quietly. "Well since none of us are legally old enough to drink you better hide it." He said loudly to his brother.

Nicolas jumped into the chair beside Ryan and pushed the bag under it. Soon after I heard the door open again, and this time Lorenzo walked in.

"Are you guys hungry?" He yelled from the other room. "Yes, I'm starving to death here!" Chris yelled back. "Dramatic much." Nicolas said and rolled his eyes at her.

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