Chapter 12

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Ronald tunnels
I walk inside that tunnel this place is more complicated than the woods that I just run from !! How I will find the brown sand in a dark tunnel and you can't even see the sand ?!! .

We walk in , first it was dark tunnel that seem to have no ending , but then I saw the lights in the other side I run to see the ending but then I saw a huge hole !! it more like under ground cave or a village , yes it was that huge !! . I say to Nina " Nina what is this place ?! "

Then she said " this tunnel was a crazy place back in the 80's "

in 1983
" I was a little puppy like they say , I walk in here and see people dancing around the place on a weird country music , then saw him , Ronald Jams Canon the werewolf . He kept his clan safe here for years . I always collocate sand for him it use to be a price to by to pass this tunnel, I remember everywhere there is a unique color for a sand like pink or red or brown or orange . One day his clan turn against him because they want to have huge land out there why they can't get out from this place ?! and a war started and everything become more like a history !! "

Then I asked her " do you know where he hide his sand when he take it from you ?! "

She replied " no I don't , we can look for it "

Then I say " let's look in that small castle there "

We go inside the castle and saw all kinds of sands in there , first the sand was red to make it look like carpet, and walls were yellow that make it look like lights , blake for a throne . I look every were to find brown sand , then I look deep in the walls and find it . I punched the wall and take it , thank god that that the walls are made by sand !!

The soon I take it the castle start falling on us , I yelled to Nina " NINA WATCH OUT !! "

We start running outside and just when we thought we are safe , snakes surrounding us and it was hard to escape !! NINA said " oh my god !! Now what we will do ?! "

I said " we need to try and run over them "

Then Nina said " I don't think so , one bite and we have to find away to cure you !! "

Then i said " then let's kill them !! "

Then she replied " again I don't think so !! These snake can grow back again, there is just no way out from this "

I said " yes there is !! "

I grab the yellow sand and throw it on them and find away out , then like Gabby said I will see a turn and if I pick the right one I will be in Christina Kirsten crystals cave then I stop then Nina said " now where we will go ?! "

Then I said " I don't know what turn I need to take !! "

Then we heard a sound of someone walking in one of the tunnels I said " who is there ?! "

Then I heard " relax it's me !! " It was Nicole she said then " what you guys doing in Ronald tunnels ?! "

Then Nina said " well I'm trying to reach to your clan "

Then she said " okay come this way both of you "

Then I said " but I need to go to Christina Kirsten crystals cave !! "

Then she said " in both ways you won't find it without my help so come on "

I followed her to her clan and she give me a map and said " now remember only one crystal will be the cure , make sure you pick the right one "

I said " I will , thank you Nicole !! "

I go back to the tunnels and look at the map and find it confusing I take another turn that lead somewhere else and I didn't noticed that I pick the wrong one , aghh now what I will do I must find my way and fast . Then I heard " Max you better hurry , if you want Catherine to survive !! I don't know why even bother going ?? soon she will be one of us !! "

I was looking everywhere all I see is shadows talking to me I know it was a girl that give me that warning could it be Eli trying to scare me off ?!

I was near Nichole clan and then saw Max coming out from Ronald tunnels and I follows him , I saw him holding the map and cast a spell on it so he lose his way to give me time to destroy Catherine !! So now I can go to Catherine I must hurry before Max done collecting the items. I disappear to Gabby and like I expected she spell her clan shit now I have to break her spell , then I heard " what are waiting for ?! "

I saw Eric behind me and I said " like Gabby will make things any easier to us come on Eric break her spell "

Then he grab a flower from the ground crashed it and blow it away and said " now you can have her now "

Then I said to him " why you so mad ?! Did I do something wrong ?! "

Then he said " just don't hurt her !! "

Then I smirk and said " oh so now you care about her "

He just disappear , this can't be happening he won't stop me won't he ?! Dose he even know I'm planning on killing her ?! Ha like I even care if he knew or not

I look at the map again and see a passage that will lead me to that cave , I start running till I finally find the right turn and fall the soon I step in I'm stuck again in a hole then Nicole show up and said " I need to help you right now !! "

Then I said " what going on ?! "

Then she said " they kidnapped Catherine !! "

I said " okay where I will go I take the right turn !! "

She said " Ya you did wait " she put her hand on the wall and the walls moved and then she said " oh dear god I forgot how mess up this place is "

I said " oh my god !! "

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