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Chapter 7

I'm still in shock both from my almost serious injury and the realization that it was Richard who pushed me to safety. Everyone's trying to brush off the dust and dirt from his suit but he's still staring at me intently.

"Why didn't you ran?" he asked angrily at me then turned to the site manager who's still apologizing repeatedly to us. "I want everyone responsible for this ruckus fired." he ordered harshly before walking out of the crowd. "Carl, let's go."

I apologized to all our companions before following Richard outside the building. "Where are we going?" I inquired as I tried to keep up with him who is treading heavily in annoyance.

"Have you seen our clothes? We're done for the day." 

It was then that I realized that our well-pressed-clothes are now covered in grime and a part of his jacket was torn at the back. I bowed my head in embarrassment and followed him to the parking area. His serious demeanor continued until we reached his car. 

"Are you alright?" he inquired finally breaking the silence.

"Yes, I'm alright. And you?" I returned the question back.

"Fine." he said and started the car. "Glad to see you're not hurt." he added.

I quickly glanced at him. I wasn't expecting that response but somehow it made my heart leapt with happiness for a second. Glad to know he still cares for me even after a few years of separation. 

We finally reached the manor and I waited for Richard to get out of the car first before I did. He sighed loudly as if he was awfully tired from all the fuss that transpired today. That's when I noticed that he was walking strangely and it looks like there's something's wrong with him.

"Are you sure you're alright?" I inquired.

He continued walking. "Of course." he replied but he wasn't fooling anybody.

I bit my lip. Somehow I blame myself if he's injured but of course he wouldn't admit it. Pride, maybe? My questions were finally answered when he removed his suit jacket. I saw some blood stains on the back of his white collared shirt. I ran towards him and he gasped when I held his arm.

"You're obviously hurt. Let me take you to the hospital and let that be looked at." I offered.

"What?" he tried to deny the injury again until I pointed at his blood stained back. "It's just a scratch. Nothing serious that would require medical attention."

"At least let me take a look at it." I insisted. He relented and I followed him inside the house until we reached his room. I took a medicine kit from one of the stock room before instructing him to take off his shirt. Even with expressions of disapproval, he started to unbutton his shirt. 

Then I saw his topless body and I involuntarily gaped but thankfully he was facing the opposite side so he never got a chance to see my stupefied reaction. He is seriously ripped and I still can't comprehend the fact that the skinny kid who used to be scared of lightning is now a cardboard cutout of a typical male model.

"So, how is it?" he tried to take a look at his back but can no longer twist his head much further.

I moved closer and inspected his wound. "You're right. It's just a scratch. But still, it would be better if we went to the hospital for a thorough examination."  

He just shrugged. "Must have been caused by the edge of the scaffolding. I felt it graze my back when I pushed you." 

I took the cloth dipped with water and started to clean the surface of his scrapped skin. He flinched when the wet cloth touched his back.

"Relax. It's not alcohol so it will not sting." I assured him. "You know that it's actually not advisable to clean your wounds using a rubbing alcohol since it may harm your tissue and delay the healing process." I discussed what I remembered in Health class to take his mind off the pain from cleaning his wound.

"That's why you're best." he murmured. 

"Are you really going to fire someone over this?" I asked while preparing the wound dressing. To be honest, I was being distracted by the way his muscles contract with every move.

"I have to do what is necessary." he replied coldly.

"Can't you just give them another chance perhaps? You know it's really difficult to find a job during these times."

He turned around to face me and he doesn't look pleased.

"You could have been hurt. Like seriously injured and you're asking me to let those people responsible keep their jobs?"

"Like I said, it was an accident. They didn't mean for it to happen."

"And what if I didn't dragged you out there on time? Have you seen those things that fell down exactly on where you were standing?"

"But you did and thanks to you I'm perfectly fine. Please? It's gonna bother me if I know some people will lose their job because of me."

I got no reaction from him. He just sat there and stared at me as if he was weighing down his options.

"Please." I placed my hand on his shoulder. "I'm asking you this as a favor."  

He thought about it for a minute until he finally took a deep breath and said, "Fine. I'll call the site manager."

"That's why you're the best." I returned the compliment back to him. I continued cleaning his wound while the room was filled with silence. Usually, it doesn't bother me when a person is being quiet, but this time, I couldn't help but cringe every time I can hear our uncanny synchronized breathing so I had to continue the conversation.

I decided to mention the rain last night. 

"It was a hell of a storm last night." 

"Yeah? What about it?" he asked uninterested.

"Remember, when you were a kid-" I stopped speaking when he suddenly wrapped his hand around my wrist.

"Whatever it is you're going to say, just stop." he said in a way that it sounded almost like a threat.

"What?" I'm so confused. He was actually being nice then in a snap of a finger  suddenly he's not.

"I'm not a kid anymore you know." he muttered. "You can't just keep on treating me like I am one." 

My mind blanked out on what to say so I removed my hand from his grasp and continued to treat his wound. "I'm sorry sir. It will not happen again." I mumbled. I finished sticking the adhesive bandage on his back just to get out of that awkward conversation.

He appeared to be more irritated with my response. "I told you to stop calling me sir."

It was just something that slipped my tongue but instead of apologizing, I decided to to respond in a defensive manner. "But you said it yourself, you wanted to be treated like an adult. Calling you by your name feels like I'm talking to your younger self."

He shifted his gaze and stared into the distance. "That's not what I meant." 

"Then would you please enlighten me."

Richard stood up but he didn't put his dress shirt back on, instead he walked across the room bare chested as if showing to the whole word what he is now. I followed him with my eyes waiting for his explanation but instead all I got was a lame excuse. "I think I need to rest." he said.

"Certainly sir." I replied as a touch up just to annoy him further. I picked up the medicine kit and nodded slightly as a way to ask for his permission to leave. He stared at me again judgingly until I closed the door and his prying eyes dissolved into view.

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