red alert 🚨

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Mid Afternoon, Sunday June 14th

"Tell ya nigga, he better shoot back."

Portia looked up at the boy, who looked like he was about her age stood before her, nose flaring, eyes focused, fists tightening.

She didn't know what was going on, but she just decided to back up a little before making a twirl around him and going the opposite way around him.

Grumbling to herself, rethinking that very strange encounter with that boy,
"Whatever that was."

Portia looked around trying to figure out where to start first, she didn't think that having the fair come to town would be as elaborate as it is but she guessed that it was the first one so maybe that's why it was so gigantic as it is.

She looked around deciding to start on all the bigger rides and then the smaller rides before going home.

She passed through the ticket booth obtaining her free pass wristband, that's good for everything from food to games and even rides.

She kept walking making her way towards the first big ride she saw dodging large clusters of people as she walked.

He began following her but backed out when he saw her in line for the Ferris wheel, that wasn't his thing, on-the-ground games were his thing instead.

As the ride rounded back around he got a wonderful glimpse of her face as the attendant helped her out of the ride, he approached her as she stopped in line for the next ride that was just as big,

"You said you want a thug don't be scared now!"

He spoke as he tried to step further into her space, stepping back as best she could as she stood confused,

"I never said that!"

Doing her best to laugh it off as she went around him, moving up further as the line had begun moving.

Pivoting, he hustled after her retreating back, catching up to her, linking their arms together, and turning them to walk the opposite way,

After two games she had unwillingly learned his name as he kept speaking in the third person but she had kept her name to herself she knew she didn't want to see him again so knowing her name wasn't needed, but now that he had unsuccessfully lost yet another round at the particular game they were standing in front of, she was more than ready for him to leave her alone,

She wasn't paying him attention though as she had turned away from him, walking the other way, he ran up behind her stepping in front of her, halting her movements,

"Well, that's what you got."

Ken whispered in her face before backing away and leaving her alone.

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