Three: Can We Talk?

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"I can spike your drink if you want

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"I can spike your drink if you want."

Collins' big, beautiful eyes immediately got even bigger, and I grimaced.

"That came out wrong," I rushed to say. "That came out way wrong. I meant with alcohol, not with, you know, drugs."

She smiled, more gracious than I deserved. "It's always so reassuring when a date admits they don't want to drug me."

I bit down on an embarrassed grin. "Yeah, you're welcome for that."

Picking up her glass from the dinner table, Collins raised a brow.

"So alcohol, you say? What do you got?"

I pulled out the mini flasks I had stuffed in my pocket earlier. A fancy-ass gala deserved fancy-ass drinks, and if there was anything I was good at, it was coming prepared to serve them.

"What do you want?"


At the moment, I was really fucking done with Wednesday.

Not the day.

The person.

Her brown eyes rolled back in her head as she tapped short, painted nails on the register.

"Just get her a chai, Beau."

I scoffed. "A chai? You're just saying that because it's the easiest drink to throw together, and you're going to be the one to make it. Get the fuck out of here with that, Nessa."

"No," she insisted. "I'm saying that because everyone likes a good chai latte. It's like comfort in a cup."

Comfort. I was anything but comfortable right now.

"This isn't about comfort. This is about presentation. And a chai says, 'I got you the easiest thing on the menu to make because I was in a hurry.' You know?"

"No. I don't know."

A giggle sounded from behind a tall chrome machine, and then I heard a low voice. A deep chuckle. Another giggle.

I wrinkled my nose.

"Is Madie here, too? Did they schedule them together again?"

Nessa made a face that I was sure looked identical to mine and glanced to the side, where the sounds were coming from. She tossed a towel off of her shoulder and then whipped it to the side. A dramatic ow sounded, which was followed by a laugh.

"Yes, and they're about to get back to work." She directed the comment at the lovebirds hiding behind the coffee machines, and I swallowed a snicker.

"Oh, please." Bren, my roommate-turned-best-friend-turned-roommate-stealer, popped out behind Nessa, giving her a knowing look as he walked over to grab a stack of cups. "You didn't see us knocking on the closet door the other night when Grayson came to visit, did you?"

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