Chapter 3: Transfer

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The entire next day I was sleeping my body desperately trying to heal itself from all the damage. When I woke up I was no longer chained to the post or muzzled. It didn't matter I couldn't move if I wanted to. I haven't eaten anything in days or had any water. My head constantly pounding and my back was in indescribable pain. I just laid there hoping to die, hoping for kindness, hoping for understanding.

Nothing came. No one came.

Many hours later I attempted to rise and make my way back to my house. Upon arrival, I see the door was left open and various debris had made its way inside. Still in my wolf form, I once again make my way inside and close the door with my head.
Going into the kitchen my nails clacked softly against the hardwood floors. I need to find something to eat and drink. Going to and opening the fridge with my paw, I see some sandwich meat left and grab the package eating it entirely. The plastic sitting on the ground I move to the sink standing on my hind legs I stretch and turn the water on enough to drink some. Shortly after my energy having been depleted I fall to the floor curling into a ball and go to sleep.

Rousing from my slumber I wake on the floor naked on my stomach. The sink is still softly running, the sun is shining through the windows, and I don't even know what day it is. Looking around the house is a huge mess. I turn off the water and pick up the garbage off the floor but leave the rest to clean for later. I need to start packing I need to leave this pack. I'll put in a request with the Alpha but if he doesn't accept it I need to be ready to leave regardless. Making my way to the bathroom a passing glance in the mirror shows that I look like shit. I move to the shower and turn the water on as hot as it will go. The water runs over my body stinging everywhere it hits. The drain turns red as the blood slowly washes off my body. My skin feels like it's being slowly peeled off my body as the water moves its way into my whip lashings. These will never heal completely and now my back will forever be scared, a surefire reason for my potential mate to reject me as well. A cursed, rebellious, ugly omega.
Shaking my head to rid myself of these thoughts, I clean myself to the best of my ability. Finally, turning off and stepping out of the shower my muscles ache with the strain and my head is foggy. Moving to my bedroom I fall into bed breathing heavily and letting sleep once again take over my body.
When I wake I'm cold and naked on top of the blankets. My hair is still faintly wet from my time in the shower, and the night sky is visible through the window.
Rising from my bed I move to the closet and find a pair of underwear, some sweats, and a loose-fitting shirt of my father's. It doesn't touch my back if I don't move too much and is long enough to be warm and comfortable. Walking downstairs and into the kitchen, I open the pantry to find something to eat. Pulling out a box of Macaroni and cheese I set to quick work making it once the noodles are cooked and strained I added the packet to the noodles with a bit of milk to make it creamy.

Eating quickly, my brain jumps ahead thinking of the bare minimum I can bring with me if I become a rouge. I'll have to only have a small duffle bag to bring with me. In it will have all my important papers, birth certificate, diploma, social security card. But I'll need to bring clothes, food, and water until I find a new pack that will accept me.

In five days I went from a cursed 17-year-old Omega to an 18-year-old cursed mate-less rebellious Omega. I never wanted this, I never asked for this. I suppose that I probably would have just stayed a working cursed omega for the alpha and luna until I found my mate (if I even had a mate) then my mate would reject me and I would finally get to let my wolf take over my body drive us crazy and get put down. That was my fate.

I've never thought about wanting my life to be over before until now. When the rouges attacked me it opened my eyes to how miserable I truly am. Why did my curse have to kill my parents? Why couldn't I have died instead?
I couldn't kill myself even if I had the guts to go through with it because my wolf wouldn't let me. My nature still believes that there is someone out there for me. Even if I'm skeptical at best.
Throughout my thinking, I hadn't realized that I had finished my food and was gazing off into space. Grabbing my bowl and spoon I quickly wash them and put them in the drying rack next to the sink.

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