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Chapter 70

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As soon as Nicky climbed into the truck, she noticed the new additions. "Ohhh... What are these?"

"Something to help pass the time," I said as I sat down.

To my surprise, John wasted no time in grabbing a couple of the IQ puzzles as Daniel drove to the gate. Liz picked through the shoebox and eagerly examined all the new toys. As I expected, Nicky immediately became fascinated with the cup-and-ball toy.

The guards waved cheerfully at us as we drove through the gate. Several people had already gone to check on the woman, who was once again human, no longer sneezing, and very grateful to have survived her ordeal.

"Which Stronghold are we heading to?" Logan asked.

"Nikeewin Stronghold," Nina replied, turning to look out the back window. "They're actually to the north, which takes us closer to Ironwind and still lets us check a few more places."

"That would make our trip shorter and still allow us to help any who might be sneezing," Logan agreed, subtly complimenting the decision. "I assume you help with the cure and serum in Ironwind as well?"

Nina paused, then said, "We aren't telling the Strongholds, but I'm actually the primary scientist there. A couple of people in the lab are making more cure, serum, and controlex in my absence. Our trip to other Strongholds was originally to determine if the wave really was coming earlier, but since we had the cure with us, we kept going to try and help as many as we could."

"Trinity came along because her sense of smell is keen, and Daniel came for additional protection?" Logan guessed, tilting his head inquisitively.


He nodded, and sensing the conversation was trailing off, he asked, "What other things are you researching in the lab?"

And that opened the floodgate.

All it took was his intrigued expression and a few questions and comments to keep the conversation going. After he made a few detailed remarks about native plants, Nina focused on his knowledge of the local greenery, which put him in the talking spotlight.

I leaned back against the cab and absently fiddled with one of the IQ toys, although parts of the conversation at hand were actually interesting. I even learned the names of a number of herbs that would interest Jess, although I'd have to get her to go through her textbooks to figure out what they looked like.

"We actually have a young lady at Ironwind who is trying to learn about the local herbs, plants, and their medicinal uses," Nina said.

"I'm not a professional," Logan replied, "but I know some. I'd be happy to share my knowledge with anyone at Ironwind."

I'm so glad Logan isn't close to Jess's age. If it weren't for me knowing about his crush on Nina, this could very well have my hackles rising. I knew Jess was old enough to pick her own love interest, but any stranger fresh to Ironwind would be getting the stink eye from me until he proved himself trustworthy and responsible enough for the privilege of dating my sister.

"That would be appreciated," Nina replied, completely unaware of the path my thoughts were going down. "I'll have my hands full once we get back. There's a ton of things I have to check. I'm very grateful a few of the infected people let me collect a blood sample. I want to see what differences there might be between this wave and the previous one. The strange zombie in the rifle cabinet will have to be locked in the barn as well."

"You're still going to continue to make more of the cure, right?"

"Yes, and the other drugs too. Other research centers are helping, and we're each going to send them to various Strongholds in our areas."

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