Chapter 27 - The Polyjuice Potion

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"Who said you could trust me?? For all Know, You hate me, don't you?"


3 Person's POV

Y/n woke up with Fresh smell of cookies. Her night was sleepless yet she felt fresh because of the chocolate smell all over the room. The dorm was empty only two beds were used. Y/n got up and went to bathroom to get ready. In there she saw Hermione combing her hair.

"Happy Christmas Hermione" Y/n smiled 

"Happy Christmas Y/n!!!" Hermione said hugging Y/n. she hugged back.

"Get ready, we'll go down stairs together..okay??" Hermione told her and Y/n nodded.

After getting ready, Y/n went downstairs with Hermione to find the Common Room filled with presents. Harry and Ron were there. The girls greeted them, they greeted them back, forgetting about what was happening within the school.

They were opening their presents with short talks between. Just like last year, Y/n got alot of presents from the families who were familiar to her. Most of them were chocolates and cookies so Y/n didn't bother to open them. She directly took the presents that were in the corner. 

First gift was from Eric. Unlike last time when he gave her a book, This time the present was very thin, like it was a greeting card. Y/n crossed her eyebrows. She was a little disappointed that Eric gave her a card while she gave him a long winter coat. 

She opened the gift to find a card and a letter. She opened the letter and started reading it in her mind.

"Dear Y/n,

Merry Christmas Honey!!!

Since you know that you've done something far from my expectations. You deserve a great gift this time. I know that you are thinking that I gave you a card. You're not totally wrong, But the card is something I think you should treasure.

I went to Japan for work few weeks ago when your term started and the card I gave you is Lifetime Subscription of a Bookstore in Kyoto. They have all sorts of Books and Mangas in their shop. Whenever you feel like you want a Book or Manga to read, Use that card and write the name of the Book/Manga you want to get with a removeable ink or pencil. Tap your wand in the card and in few hours, you'll get your belongings. 

I hope you like this present. And I'm looking forward to your presents since you've been in and out of my closet alot this summer. But Don't Worry, I'll love whatever you'll give me. Because Honey, I got to admit. You got a great taste.

P.S - Don't Worry about paying for the books. You don't have to. Its free for you.

Love, Eric"

When Y/n finished Eric's letter. She was stunned. This was not what she was expecting. She took the card from the back of the letter. It was a simple card with embroidery on the edges. It was blank in between with the Shop's name of top.

"パラダイス {Paradise} ????" Y/n muttered the shop's name to herself.

Y/n packed the card back and started opening other presents. While opening the gifts a strange thing happened. The book Y/n gave to Hermione was the same book Hermione gave her.

"Hermione this---" "Y/n this----" Both Hermione and Y/n said together and then saw that they were opening each other's gifts. Both girls shared a look and burst into laughter.

"What?" Harry asked the girls but none of them replied

"Why are two laughing???wait, Y/ gave me a box of Chocolate Frogs???" Ron asked and Y/n nodded "That's what I gave you" Ron said

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