Chapter 17

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I really feel bad. I really do. I do not have a good reason for staying away for so long. But here I am. I do not know when I will post again. But I will never let a story be unfinished.

Walking up with my dream boy next to me is probably the best way to wake up. His beautiful face laying on my chest, sleeping lightly. It was still early, so I didn't want to wake him up. So, I didn't move. I just lightly ran my hand thru his hair.

The sun was shining outside, and the look of early summer was beautiful. It was a weird though to think about that I was soon done with my senior year, and I was going to go to college in just a couple of months. I was really looking forward to moving out from this city.

But Andy was still one year younger than me, and he has still one year left before he gets to go to college. And I don't know what to do. I want to go to college, and as soon as possible get a job, so I don't have to live by Alec's money. But I don't want to leave Andy here by himself. Or maybe not by himself, he still has Caleb. But you know what I mean.

I opened my phone and checked the time, before deciding it was time for me to get up. Maybe I could make some breakfast for him. I'm not very good at cooking, but I could at least try. I make myself downstairs and get the ingredients to make some pancakes.

That should be easy.


It was not easy.

An hour later and I was done. I tasted one, so Andy didn't have to lie if it didn't taste good, and it was delicious. But I had a LOT to clean up later. And I also burned my hands a couple times. I think I will take him out for breakfast next time.

I stopped complaining in my head when I heard Andy walking downstairs. I ran towards him and gave him a big hug, while he giggled.

"Good morning little prince. How did you sleep?" I asked him when I sat him down on the floor again.

"Good Lucas." He answered, making me fake frown. I looked down at him before saying.

"That's wrong. That was not what you called me last night. You can't just change my nickname all the time."

I saw Andy's face started to get really red because of his blushing, and he started to look really nervous. After a couple of seconds hearing him trying to stutter out something, I decided to not bother him anymore.

"It's okay. You can call me whatever you want. Don't force yourself to do something you are not comfortable with. I was just kidding with you. I'm sorry I stressed you out." I gave him a small smile, so he understood that I didn't want to pressure him.

He gave me a frown before speaking. "N-no. I wa-want to....daddy." he whispered. My small smile turned into a big one, and it didn't take much time before he was up in my arms again.

"I can't believe how one word can make me so happy." I whispered back to him.

"Yeah, yeah, we are very happy. Can Sam and I start to eat now? We have been waiting forever." heard Alec behind me, ruining the cute moment. I nodded my head yes and walk behind Alec back to the kitchen with Andy in my arms.

We didn't do a lot of things for the rest of the day. We ate breakfast, then I helped Andy getting ready for the day. After that all four of us colored for a little while. Sam and Andy colored a cat, I colored a butterfly and Alec colored a princess. We hang all of the pictures on the fridge after.

Then we watched a new Disney movie. I get why Alec is so sick of them now. Nothing interesting happens. But as long Andy and Sam is happy, I'm happy.

It was beginning to get late now. I hate to ruin the moment, but he needs some sleep.

"Come on little prince. Time for bed." I said to him before lifting him up in my arms.

"No, don't want to yet." He mumbled, with his eyes closed, clearly ready for bed, but too tired to get ready for bed.

"It's okay. I will help you get ready. You just have to open your mouth when I brush your teeth and other than that, you can just relax." I replied, making him smile a little.

I carried him up to my bedroom, before getting him ready. He almost fell asleep while I changed his clothes, but he kept himself up. Then I laid him in bed before making myself ready.

After getting ready I went to bed to check if he had fallen asleep yet, but he hadn't. He actually looked more awake than he did just a couple minutes ago. He looked nervous, making me think that something had happened. I walked to him, sat on the bed and pulled him up on my lap.

"Hey, what's wrong sweetheart? Why can't you fall asleep?" I asked him.

"It's i-it's stupid" he looked up at me with tearful eyes. My hart broke a little just by seeing it.

"It is not stupid when it makes you cry. You can tell me anything you want. I will not force you to tell me, but it can maybe help a little." I answered while playing with his hair, trying to calm him down again.

"I hade a nightmare. And it was scawy, I mean scary. Sorry. And then I couldn't go back to sle-sleep, and I didn't wanted to tell, in case you th-think I'm childish." He mumbled, not wanting to look up at me.

"You can be as childish as you want. It's nothing bad about being childish. And you can always tell me when you have nightmares. I will take care of you until you fall asleep. Or I can stay with you all night. I have been told that I am a really good comfort person after a nightmare. Just ask Nick. Last year he spent almost one day every week with me because he had so many nightmares." I told him with a small smile. He looked relived at that. He started looking calm again, and I could see the tiredness come back to him. I laid him down back in the bed and laid down next to him.

"But it's time to get back to sleep. I will be right next to you all the time." He closed his eyes, and I could see the thumb get in his mouth again.

"I should get you a paci soon. Since you've been such a good boy."

"Thank you, daddy." He whispered with a small smile. "Night night."

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