Prologue - Let them in

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It was the full moon night... A church showered in red light, blood covering the floor and a fully naked body hanging from the cross. His genitals were removed and his back skin was torn open. The skin was spread on both sides like wings and an accurate cut under his eyes determining that it bleeds from the eyes without damaging the eye balls.
The whole church was crowded by cops and ERT.

Next Day -

The FBI officer walks towards forensic with a disgust on his face and calm breath.

Clark - "So what's the report?"

One of doctors turns at him and replies.

Sia - "This victim was alive when whoever that psychopath is, did his artwork on him."

Other doctor looking at the wounds stops her!

Joshua - "Yeah the guy must be crazy to do something like that."

Clark - "Psychopaths are not crazy!"

Sia - "And neither is our guy... Look at the cut on back for the skin. Both skin wings are equal in every measurement and every cut is precise."

Clark - "So our psychopath is confident on what he do?"

Joshua - "And he knows how to do it! There was no fingerprint, no mark, not even a clue on sight of anyone else beside the victim. Looks like it's not his first job."

Clark - "Okay my officers will see through it."

Joshua - "Ah... It's been a while we got a case like this!"

Clark - "Hope that it's only a psychopath and not a-"

Sia - "I understand sir... none of us want that again."

Seven days later
Harrison house -

A Christmas eve dinner was set on table.... The holiday spirit was keeping the whole family of five people singing. Except the one sitting in his room looking down in anger. It was the dad who found out that his wife is cheating on him and after not been able to tell her... He was just having negative thoughts lurking inside of him. After so many calls from family he walks down.... He looks at his family dead in eyes. They all creeped out as he says nothing.... The little kid goes near him but he pushes him away and he hits the wall. The kid starts crying and the sister grabs him... While his wife yells at him loudly. Both his parents were there too... But he turns at them and smiles. He walks towards the kid... Wiping his tears...!

"Oh my boy... Did I hurt you. Daddy is sorry for his behaviour."

His voice sounded ambient and it was like he ignored the whole surrounding. As the kid finally stops crying he snaps his neck without a second thought. Everyone gets shocked and start yelling in fear... He grabs the knife on table and cuts the throats of his own parents as they try to run... Blood splattering over wall and family pictures. The sister runs upstairs while Wife tries to run out from the house but he grabs her leg and pulls her in.... He opens her shirt and makes a cut in her side stomach. Then he takes his both hands and starts tearing up that cut to make a hole. With an evil smile on face.... He cracks the ribs, puts his hand inside and with some struggle, grabs her heart. She mourns in pain but blood starts coming out of her mouth as he presses the heart to the point where she dies... But as he tries to pull his hand back from the hole... He sees his daughter with a gun pointing at him. He throws the knife from his left hand, it makes a cut on the side of her leg and that makes her shoot his father on chest.... He still tries to crawl towards her but she shoots him again in his head while tears fall down her chicks.

Let Them InNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ