Al's Small Realization

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Finally. I finally found Sister.

I ran towards Sister and hugged her with all my might. Sister said she would never leave me... yet she went away... why did she leave? Why didn't she tell me?! I grasped her tighter, tackling her onto the floor. Why did you do that to me, Sister... Do you know how much I love you...? Why did you do such a thing to me...

"Hahahaha... Al, how did you find me?"

Sister asked annoying questions again. I could find her anywhere. We are brother and sister, I will always know where my beloved Sister is. No one would be able to stop me. "Sister abandoned me. But I can always find Sister, so it's fine." It's not fine, Sister. If I didn't love you so much, then it wouldn't be so simple.

Sister said she was using magic, so I shouldn't have been able to recognize her. Really? Then why... I looked at her face closely. That wasn't Sister... but then, why did this girl smell like Sister? And act like Sister's usual crazy self? No, she was Sister. I know her scent, I know everything about Sister.

I looked at her solemnly and gave my answer. Then Sister looked proud. I'm glad Sister's proud of me!

"Sister, Sister~ Can you change back into Alice! I wanna smell your hair~" I said, with my usual pampered expression on my face. Although I knew that Sister's hair smelled the same, I still wanted to know what Sister looked like after being away for so long. This worked on Sister before, it has to be the same.

And indeed, it was. She complied and her body morphed back into a more adult version of Sister. Her hair was shinier and silkier, her eyes were sharper and larger, and her... I let my eyes wander down underneath her neck and blushed profusely.

Sister was...



My brain stopped working. What was the word? 'Malfunctioning', Sister had always said.

Her clothes were tight since she morphed from the elven girl from before. I could barely contain myself, in fact, I didn't even know who I was right then and there, my brain had 'powered down'.

Was I in heaven or hell? I don't know. What I did know at that time was one thing. Sister had grown up in many places.

(Author's Note: Hey guys, wussup?)

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