Chapter 50

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The next day, Karthik wakes up early as usual and he skips his yoga routine as it was freezing outside. He goes out of his room to the kitchen to prepare hot coffee for himself and Aadhira, he didn't know if she would drink it or not but he wanted to prepare it for her. So he makes coffee for her, he knocks on her door thinking even if she doesn't take the coffee she will atleast look at his face and bang the door on his face.

He keeps waiting for more than 5 minutes yet she doesn't open the door. He goes into the patio and tries peeping into her room through the window, he sees that the curtains were still not open. He was getting worried as she had been sneezing a lot after playing in the snow. He takes the spare keys and opens her room door thanking God that she had not latched the door.

He goes into her room and sees her snuggled into the blanket, he removes the blanket a little and he looks at her holding her Pingu close to her chest. He looks at her, she still has Pingu.. I didn't know.. does she know I gave him to her.. ofcourse not.. if she knew she would have thrown him away in the dustbin for all I have done. She again pulls the blanket over herself shivering a little.

He sits down on her bed and touches her forehead, he feels her forehead burning "Oh no.. Aadhu you have high fever..". He runs to his room and brings out the thermometer, he sits next to her and caresses her hair "Aadhu open your mouth". She opens her eyes slightly and looks at Karthik and tries to sit up "Wh.. what ar.. are you doing here". Karthik stops her "Aadhu lie down.. you are burning with high fever.. let me check your temperature..".

She pushes his hand away "Karthik go.. go from here.. I can take care of myself.. go", Karthik looks at her shaking his head "Sure sure you can take care of yourself.. be quiet and open your mouth Aadhu". She turns away from him not opening her mouth, just then her phone rings. She was about to pick the phone but before her Karthik picks it up, he sees it's her mom and attends the call "Hello Amma".

Aadhira tries to sit up and snatch her phone from Karthik but he quickly moved away "Amma see na Aadhu is not feeling well.. I'm trying to check her temperature but she isn't letting me to". She says something after which Karthik switches the call on video, she looks at Aadhira "Aadhu what is this.. let him take care of you.. why are you not letting him check your temperature". She glares at Karthik who was smiling holding his hand over his mouth, her mom again looks at her "Glaring at him is not going to help.. so come on open your mouth.. Karthik check her temperature Kanna".

Aadhira keeps glaring at him and opens her mouth, he smiles and puts the thermometer in her mouth and checks her temperature. He takes it out to see her temperature is above 102 F, he gets worried seeing the temperature "Aadhu your temperature is really high.. I'll go get medicines", he turns to her mom "Amma I'll call you back.. don't worry.. I'll take care of her".

He runs to his room and searches in his medicine cabinet but his medicines cabinet didn't have any paracetamol. He goes back to her room, she was trying to get down from the bed "Aadhu what are you doing", she ignores him and continues to get down from the bed.

He goes near her and holds her hand to help her get down. She tries to pull her hand back from his but he holds her hand firmly. She was too tired to put energy into fighting with him so she just let's him be. She gets down from the bed and looks at him "What you want to come to the bathroom also.. leave my hand". He rubs his nape smiling sheepishly "Okay okay.. go..". She goes to the bathroom, during which time he calls Olivia and Charles.

Charles picks up his phone "Charles can you or Olivia come stay with Aadhira.. she is not feeling well.. I need to go buy medicines". Charles agrees and hangs up the call, Karthik goes to open the door and let Charles in. Aadhira comes out of the room and sees Charles and Karthik, she looks towards Charles "Charles why are you here early in the morning".

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