Chapter 11

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I wake up feeling someone underneath me, I try to get up but there is an arm holding me down. When I try to move a grumble comes from underneath me telling me to stay still. I tilt my head to see Theo is the one holding me down. Looking further along the sofa Riley and Ben are snuggled up together.

I don't know if I should move but every time I try I get gripped harder. He's laid on his back and I'm half laying on him. I decided to give up and fall back to sleep.

I wake up again I presume a few hours later to Ben's giggle my eyes are drifting back off to sleep when I hear a camera click and a flash. I feel Theo grumbling under me telling them to go away and tightening his grip even more.

I try to move whispering to him "Mr. Levy". He opened one eye and said, "Peach, it's Theo". I smile as he loosened his grip on my and I slowly sit up. Theo follows sitting on the sofa next to me.

Theo is glaring when Ben said he's putting the photo on the fridge. I get up and go see Cooper, Theo follows looking at him sleeping.

I look at the small clock in the bedroom and it's showing as 12:30 pm, I turn to Theo saying "What time are we going out?"

He responded "At 7 pm we are going for some food before we go to the bar'. I nod and go to my room.

I call Freya letting her know that we will be at the club around 9ish. She said she's too busy to come for food and she will meet us at the club.

Claire knocks on my door a few hours later telling me she and Cooper are heading to her place. I give Cooper a big hug and tell him I'll see him tomorrow. He giggles back whilst I say bye to Claire.

It's now 5 pm and I decide to have a long nice bath, I shampoo and condition my hair. Wash my body and get out, once dry I put body lotion on and I just smell of purely of peach at the end of it.

I hair dry my hair and start to curl it into soft waves and put it in a half up half down ponytail. I then start my makeup going for a natural nude with a glossy pink lip. My eyes are highlighted with eyeliner and mascara.

I'm quite happy with the way I look when I put on the dress and boots. I look in the mirror and I have to admit I do look pretty.

Riley comes barging in the room dressed in her mini dress looking amazing and she comes over and stares into the mirror saying I look amazing.

I grab everything I need and head out to the kitchen where everyone was standing. Ben whistled as I walked in and Theo looked at me head to toe slowly until his eye were back up to my face.

I shift on my feet. "I'm ready" I announce just to break the silence. Everyone grabbed their things whilst Ben and Riley walked in front of us linking arms we made our way to the lift.

We get driven to a fancy-looking restaurant and we all walk in we get seated and I'm sat opposite Theo and next to Riley.

They all seem comfortable in this kind of environment I clearly don't. They order starters and I have no idea what to order so they order a mixture of things. When we are waiting for the main the guy's order whisky and I order gin and lemonade. I'm still looking around very uncomfortable whilst they talk between themselves when Theo interrupts my thoughts and touches my hand "Relax we will be out of here soon, I know you don't feel comfortable" he says giving me a genuine smile. The main comes and it's a good-looking waiter who can't seem to take his eyes off me, Theo coughs getting his attention and he places the plates down and walks away not before sending a wink my way. I couldn't help the instant blush that makes its way on my cheeks.

Ben looks at me and laughs before addressing Theo "Looks like you've got some competition man", Theo sent a warning look to him as I just ignore that moment.

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