Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 Does your face hurt?

    The official blog not only posted a copy, but also brought a picture of the nine palaces. The white jade round seal was lying quietly in the exhibition cabinet of the museum, next to its jade brothers. As soon as it was posted on Weibo, all netizens had the same expressions.     "???"

         "???" "???"     It was nothing and at the National Museum of microblogging questioned, "if it is true ah? Li Huan really is donated?"     So much money to buy, say Donate, donate, it's too generous!     Guan Bo replied directly below: "Yes, it was donated anonymously at the beginning, and we didn't know that it was donated by Miss Li until we confirmed it in many ways. Miss Li is reluctant to speak, and she doesn't want to be in the limelight, but she shouldn't be framed."     Guan Bo After the reply, no one dared to question it, but Weibo was liked and forwarded by countless people.     "Hahaha, I did give it to people, I gave it to mothers of the motherland, trolls, what else can you say to such a patriotic girl? Those who have scolded Huanhuan have no conscience!"     "Too much People are scolding Huanhuan, even the official blog can't stand anymore, do you think you are too much!"     "If this is not confirmed by the official blog of the National Museum, netizens will continue to scold her, so many people scold her together, I have reason I suspect that this is a large-scale, organized and premeditated slandering operation!"     "I just went to re-watch the scene of Huanhuan buying the jade seal, and found Huadian. There is a man named No. 115 behind Huanhuan. A man had been bidding in the early stage, but Huanhuan didn't say anything. The man suddenly stopped shouting in the middle. Huanhuan even looked back at him. At this time, Huanhuan only made the bidding. This man, I am going to the museum Guan Bo looked at it. He was an employee inside. Huanhuan should have recognized him, so he didn't bid at first. After he stopped for some unknown reason, Huanhuan bought it at a high price, and she bought it too. not their own collection, turned around and donated to go! or, buy her goal is to donate! but no one understood her, you also called her, just not human! " "     obviously kindly donated, but also to be scolded, Huan Huan must be so heartbroken!"

    "Huanhuan doesn't say it, it doesn't mean that she acquiesced to your accusation, she just doesn't care about you, but this is not an excuse for you to frame her all the time, the Internet is not a place outside the law, please control yourself in the future. My hand, thank you!"

    "The things I bought for 600 million were handed over to the country without a word. Li Huan was too low-key. I apologize for my previous voice. It was my fault, Li Huan, I'm sorry!"

    " Ah, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have insulted you..."

    Under the leadership of the first apology netizen, more people joined the ranks of apologizing to Li Huan, and sincerely apologized to Li Huan.

    After all, people donated the things they bought with a huge sum of 600 million to the country. People who don't have as much money as her can't do it, and even people who have more money than her may not be able to achieve her level.

    As soon as the Weibo of the museum's official blog was posted, the wind immediately reversed, and Li Huan went from being ridiculed to thousands of likes.

    In the live broadcast room, netizens who came back after eating the melon began to swipe the screen.

    "Are the netizens who were still mocking Huanhuan still there? The National Museum has posted on Weibo, so I'll ask you if your

    face hurts !" ?"

    Li Huan didn't know about the museum's Weibo account at first, but he didn't know until he found out that the barrage was talking, and Li Huan was surprised that the official blog of the museum would come forward to speak for her.

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