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My junior prom. It was something I always was nervous about, but here I am looking at my dress.

It's October and I never expected this. Blade asked me to prom in a cliché way. Getting on one knee asking as if I was going to marry him then and there. It was sweet and pretty cute to be honest.

My dress, a black low V neck line. It reached to my mid thigh. I wore my platforms and chains that dangle lowly, some a little high. I pull my hair into a half up, half down bun thing. My make up is pretty dark as per usual, inner corner and everything smoked out under my eyes. I wear a couple chunky rings and bracelets on each wrist. I stuff a small pocket knife into my boot, incase something happens tonight.

I might be crazy, but I have a slight feeling.

I walk downstairs to find Blade, he wears a black suit, but a leather jacket in place of a suit jacket. His wallet with the chain hangs from his pocket. Two bold demon rings sit on his hands. A silver chain hangs from his neck and his curly dark brown hair sits naturally, slightly in his face.

His pale, now slightly tanned skin and bright ocean blue eyes contrast in a great way to the rest of him.

- Blade's pov -

Seeing her walk down the stairs my breath hitches. Yes, I've seen her like this before and dressed up. Today seems different for some reason. Something is different, maybe it's because I want to give her the promise ring soon or because she looks as if nothing in the world could stop her.

Something about tonight seems off though, I can't pinpoint what it is though.

We climb onto my bike and I drive to the ballroom place where prom is being held. We get off my bike and I pull her into a kiss by her waist.

"You look beautiful baby," I smile to her.

"Thank you baby," she giggles.

We head inside and instantly I make eye contact with Darrius. He has left Madeleine alone for now, but he's here so we'll see I guess.

Madeleine finds Delilah, Kaylee and Kaylee's girlfriend, Sasha. They talk for a little, but for the life of me I can't pay attention to what their saying. My eyes keep scanning the room watching for wherever the fuck Darrius is at.

He stands with the football team and a bunch of girls, who I don't care to know. They all know me, but I have no clue who they are. Same thing with the football team.

The night drags on and I hold Madeleine close to me as we dance. The slow song felt never ending, but I didn't really mind. Her head rests against my chest and her hands around my back.

"I love you Madeleine."

She smiles up at me, "I love you too."

Soon the night seems to come to an end.

Or so i thought.

We stand outside talking to Kaylee, Sasha and Delilah. Darrius walks over with some chick under his arm. "So how's your guys's night?" He asks as if he'd been talking to us all night.

I look at him, "don't you have some little football team to go run to?"

"Listen here, boy. You don't get to talk to me like that. As if your somehow better than I am," he rolls his eyes and says, "you just like these little freaks. A freak."

"At least they didn't pretend to get close to someone who doesn't want you."

Madeleine chuckles softly and says, "I mean Blade has a point dude. You did pretend just to try and get with me."

"You little bitch," Darrius rolls his eyes. I step to him and he backs up. "You ain't gonna do shit."

I smile and look at Madeleine for a second. She nods and I look back to Darrius.

His expression went from confident to nervous and anxious. I look him up and down before gesturing for his girl to step away. She does and I punch Darrius in the nose. He falls to the ground and lays there for a second.

I turn back to see Madeleine with a pocket knife in her hand. She fiddles with it as if she was having fun.

My crazy ass girlfriend. I swear.

Granted I have my own pocket knife, I never thought she'd pull her own out like this.

Darrius's girlfriend stares at me and I say, "hey fuck with her and you might get stabbed. That's not on me kid."

"You're just going to let your girlfriend thresten me?"

"I mean, you boyfriend did try to kidnap and probably was going to rape her. So I think- yeah actually I am." I shrug and look over to Delilah, Kaylee and Sasha.

They all look as if this was normal and they didn't care. All standing beside Madeleine.

"She won't hesitate either," Kaylee laughs.

The girl runs off and Darrius finally gets off the ground. I leans against my bike now and let it all play out. He doesn't try to come at me, but at Madeleine.

Her knife hits his arm, slicing it over slightly. He groans and says, "crazy cunt. What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"You really want that story?"

"Fuck you," he groans.

"Fuck with me, my boyfriend or any of my fucking friends again and this knife won't just cut your arm yeah?" She smiles as she leans forward, closer to his face than before.

He nods, "got it you crazy bitch!"

He runs off and I smile, "when the fuck did you get a pocket knife?"

She shrugs, "had it since I was a kid. Dad gave it to me incase a guy tries to rape me."

"I-" I hesitate slightly, "cool I guess."

I laugh and Madeleine shrugs.

I never expected some shit like that to happen, but cool I guess..

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