39: Montheria Chronicle iii

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Dangerous spells

Ivar had come back to the tent with me and had been holding me while he slept, he said he talked to Judas before he came back, and surprisingly he seemed better. He had his hand on my breast as we had finished making love only minutes ago, afterward, he passed out. I look at the pendant as I think about what I am going to do with him. I'm not nearly ready to be in love and yet here I am slowly falling with the peasant boy I bullied when I was younger, Ivar was always coming into the castle to steal and I would let him if I could beat him up. It was childish as I knew he would do anything for food but I knew he was trying to feed his friends. As we were together in the tent I couldn't help but run my fingers through his black hair. He looks so vulnerable while he sleeps but has the speed to slice any man in half with his blade.

It's then that I have a vision. I see us surrounded by hundreds of soldiers and I see someone at the epicenter but before I can recognize them, the vision stops. My heart begins to beat fast and then I say, "Ivar." His eyes shoot open as he says, 'I understand.' As he gets dressed in his armor so do I and then a bright light comes, so bright that I already know what it is. It's white lightning, lightning that strikes so fast and so mercilessly that it is known to leave nothing but dust behind.

As I looked around to see who was hit by it, I saw it. Liemaz and Judas are both struck by that lighting and both standing there, unbothered in that moment, I saw Judas' armor absorb the lightning. Liemaz's blade sparkled with electricity and it was clear the two didn't notice it, what were these two exactly?

'Is that all?' I hear Judas say. She looks up as she says, 'It seems like she was going to take us out of the equation but she underestimated us.' 'Interesting.' I hear Ivar say, 'He's more powerful than we thought.' Why was Ivar so interested in how powerful he was? Why did Ivar yearn for power so much?

'Cozbi, prepare!' I hear Aiwin say. "Right arch-bishop," I say to him. His title was unofficial in the name because archbishops swore a vow of celibacy. He was just a mage, a high-ranking mage but just a mage, and Aiwin was not celibate. As I cast my spell, my new armor came to me, the upgrade was needed since before my other one was destroyed, royal armor was reduced to nothing but rags.

As my silver cape flourished in the wind and purple armor shined in the sun, I felt newly protected with this amour. 'God damn you All!' I hear a bellowing scream. It was the demon general, that deep voice somehow managing to pierce everyone's ears. 'Have you come to talk about your terms of surrender? If so, we're here to listen.' I heard Judas say. Why was he so damned arrogant? I think to myself. Does he think we can beat him, the demon general who killed their own brother to ascend higher onto the throne?

We would not stand a chance, we hardly ever stood one before. I'm not sure why Monthero sent us on this foolhardy journey. We'll all be sent to early graves. As I see Judas making a shield against the multiple projectiles coming towards us I hear his voice saying, 'Everyone, don't give in to her fear. She's only doing this because she's afraid.'

She? I think to myself. As more of the lightning began to attack our camp I could see Judas had kept his shield barrier up, the grey-colored barrier was stronger. His shield is also glowing the same color. Barrier magic was not but the color as I had never seen a grey-colored barrier was it stronger than average? As the lightning strikes stopped finally I felt sick and collapsed to my knees my armor protected me from all sorts of attacks but this was new. 'Are you okay?' I hear Aiwin I use my staff to stand up as I say "I just feel a little sick." I say while putting on a brave face, it is then that I hear a low incantation. 'Oh Monthroe who art above us please grant strength to fight our enemies, I cast lion's heart.' such a high-level spell and he cast it on everyone. "Aiwin you'll b-be drained if you cast another spell like that." I say to him he then smiles as he says 'I don't intend to die today Cozbi what about you?'

Beyond Human: Queen's Shadow Seriesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن