𝙳𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚙𝚊𝚜𝚜....

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Venus was still at St.Mungo's and was getting more weak by the day. Healers had tried many things, but that just didn't seem to work. Venus felt pain if she ever tried to speak, Orpheus and Seraphina whenever they could would frequently visit. Tom didn't leave her side, well only for work. His hair started to fall out and she realised his nose was more smaller and flatter. Which was odd. This wasn't the Tom Riddle she first fell inlove with. But she knew deep down that whatever Tom comes out as...she would always love.

Some say it's a toxic love, some say it's sinister. But love...Venus couldn't help but love him, even if he was a killer.

Venus looked at the same ceiling for the past year. She had been absent from the Ministry, and everyday felt like déjà vu.

Tom would frequently give her gifts and reassurance. But he couldn't come to close.

She had recently heard that Euphemia had given birth. To James Potter, some years ago. To Venus's delight she had got to see him before she fell ill.

He was a handsome baby. Fleamont was proud. This brought a smile on her face. He will be going to Hogwarts.

'Hello darling' Tom smiled next to her

'I'm tired' she breathed out

'Rest my darling. I'm here' he soothed

He had a snake voice. And was becoming incredibly powerful. Venus had heard all about the daily prophet. About 'Lord Voldemort' terrorising the place.

'You know our army is growing by the second' he smirked in triumph

'That's nice' Venus smiled

'I heard I'll be recruiting new young fresh blood. You happen to know the Black family?' He asked from beside her dying body

'Yes...I do. They are wealthy. Cygnus and Druella isn't it?' She looked at her lover

'Well yes, but they have children. You happen to know what they are like?' He asked rather intrigued

'Bellatrix Black....most sinister out the three sisters. Most evil of any kind. Very powerful but dark. She's a Slytherin. And will be graduating I think this year.' Venus trailed off

'Go on' he asked

'Narcissa Black...some years younger than Bellatrix. Most beautiful she is..very lovely and kind. And believed to have captured the heart of Lucius Malfoy. She too...is a Slytherin, she feels very strongly on blood purity' Venus continued

Tom nodded

'And the last..Andromeda Black...odd girl she is. Very hard to read. But incredibly close with her sisters. They care about blood purity the most. Andromeda...appears to be a blood traitor in their eyes, she has indeed captured the heart of Ted Tonks...a muggle' Venus sighed

'Anyone else?' He said

'Oh and yes...their cousin, Sirius Black. Born not too long ago' she smiled

'They want to be recruited as death eaters. Not Sirius though.' He confirmed

She looked at him

'Are you sure? Have you asked Regulus Black?' She said weakly

'Love, this is all we've worked for. It's all paying off my darling. Everyone will once know our names. And many do.' He smirked

'I'm scared. I don't want to be hated' she laughed slightly

'You won't. I will.' He looked at her

'Tom..don't go too out your way. Your already invincible' she tried to reach for his hand

But her disease distanced them. She loved him so much and didn't want him to fall ill. Like her.

She couldn't touch his hand. Which made her heart burn.

'I know you crave my touch, darling. But you must be better' he smiled

'I will be. I will.' She smiled back

'My darling I don't know what I'd do without you.' He smiled looking at his wedding ring

'I heard it's nearly the end of Seraphina and Orpheus's years at Hogwarts. What will become of them afterwards?' She asked

'They will be deatheaters.' Tom said hastily

'Tom...seriously? They're just only eighteen! I know your group is a killer group! I'm not having my children becoming killers and sent to rot in Azkaban because of it' she objected

'Then I won't.' He lied

Venus smiled at her husband. She had always been scared for the future. Dumbledore would send her letters to make sure she is well, along with Slughorn of course.

'I want to go back' Venus said after a small pause

'Back? Where?' He asked

'Hogwarts, all my years. And when I first met you'

He laughed

'I loved that year I fell inlove with you.' She smirked

'Yes...it was the year my greatness started to rocket' he put his hands behind his back

'What about when you fell inlove with me?' She asked

'Oh yes, and that. Also when you got me Nagini and beat me in a duel. But the one thing is..when I married you' he wanted to kiss her

'Look at me now. I have Spattergriot! Nothing is going to be right again.' She huffed

'Don't let some silly disease get you down. You're not like my mother. The healers will help. If they are really skilled, or I just might kill them all' he shrugged

'Tom!' She scolded

'Just saying' he held his hands up

'I can't wait for Seraphina and Orpheus to graduate!' She smiled

'They will with our legacy. They better be getting top grades like us. And carry on the Riddle line' Tom replied

'And that they live happy lives' Venus looked at the ceiling

'Yes...happy' Tom cringed

Tom wanted the opposite, he wanted them to have full power and to become  a dark wizard and witch. He did want them to marry. But only for his greater good. He wanted them to be deatheaters and be apart of everything evil.

He wanted the twins to just be like him. He was happy they both were in Slytherin, with Venus's net worth, and her position at the Ministry. The family were basically Slytherin royalty and very VERY wealthy.

Even if Tom or the twins didn't get any job, they still be living good life. If Venus was to perish..they would have everything in her will.

'You love me more than evil? Right?' She asked

Tom was hesitant, he loved everything associated with power. But when it comes to Venus....nothing compares to her

He looked at her purple pulsated body.

He answered softly

'Of course, darling. Always for you.'


I updated loves <3333


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