|| 22 - Now I'm The Spirit of the Sticks ||

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"I swear to the gods, Black, if you don't shut up, we're going to be caught before we even finish this, you jerk!" I hissed.

"Well maybe if you stopped asking a bunch of stupid questions, Myers, I wouldn't be talking!"

"I doubt it!" I whisper-shouted.

"Unlike you, I have the ability to control myself!"

"Then shut up!"

"You first!"

"Gods, are you incompetent?" I demanded.

"Ooh, that's a big word -- do you know what it means?"

At that point, I launched myself at the Gryffindor boy.

Now, I'm sure you're all wondering why I was having a more-or-less silent argument with none other than Sirius Black. Well, if you want to know, we're going have to go back a week, October 24th, when everything went to Hades.

It started out as a normal day, I woke up, Lily, Rowan, and I all made some jokes while Emilia huffed at us and cleaned, and Thea drooled all over herself. I didn't bother showering and I headed down to the common room early because I was getting dirty looks from Emilia, like always. I met Castro and we headed to breakfast together, we sat with Ben and Luca, who were arguing about whether or not McGonagall liked milk since she was a cat. Then Castro and I headed to our classes, DADA was being taught by Professor Binns still and McGonagall hadn't yet forgiven me for making a spell, so we read from our textbooks. Overall, a pretty typical day.

And then lunch rolled around.

Castro and I had just sat down with Ben and Luca, who were now discussing how they could sneak into Slug Club (which was some sort of elite club that Slughorn hosted, I didn't care much for it), and all was good.

"I'm just saying, if we tell him we're related to the Minister by, like, the fourth cousin, twice removed, he'll definitely let us in!" Luca exclaimed wildly.

Ben looked unimpressed. "As far as plans go, yours sucks."

I snorted.

"He might be on to something," Castro said thoughtfully. He jotted something down on his paper.

"I still don't understand why some fancy-pants group is so cool. It's led by Slughorn." I jabbed a finger in the direction of the fat Head of Slytherin at the table. I happened to notice that Dumbledore was still missing. I wondered if he ever going to come back.

Luca rolled his eyes. "My, my, little Charlie, you simply do not understand the higher workings of Hogwarts," Luca mused.

Irritation flashed across my face. "And you simply do not understand the higher workings of having a brain. Slughorn won't be fooled by some second-year's idiotic idea."

"Ben is in his fourth year and he's contributing to the plan!" Luca exclaimed.

"I am most definitely not," Ben clarified with a dirty look.

"What, you're just gonna leave me hanging?"


Castro and I shared a look as the two continued to bicker like an old married couple.

"We still haven't talked about that note," Castro noted in a nonchalant voice as he shoveled in some soup.

I shot him a look. "I thought we agreed we weren't going to talk about it," I replied, trying to keep my tone even.

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