|1| Checking the Traps

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I walk through the trees, pushing a branch out of the way. Fallen branches and leaves crunch under my boots. I take a deep breath, loving the clean smell in the forest air.

A small rabbit inside one of my snares squirms. I bend down and pull the trap open, grabbing it. The little animal's feet kick through the air, trying to get away. I wanted to run away too. No matter how many times... I still don't enjoy doing this part. I look away, my heart beating against my ribcage as my hand comes up to its neck. I force myself to think of something else for a distraction. The two girls I have waiting for me at home will have full stomachs. That is all the motivation I need. It makes everything I do worth it.

There is a small snap and the little creature goes limp under my grip. I grab a small strands of rope I have and snake it around the rabbit's feet before tying it to my makeshift hunter's belt. Satisfied after testing the knot, I reset the trap again.

I let out a breath and glance around the forest. The air is humid and hot, but there is a dampness to the air and a fresh smell. There are a lot of crappy things to deal with after pretty much anything mechanical stopped being used, but the lack of pollution is not one of them.

Water drips on my shoulder as I stand up. More drops fall on my face as I look up at the cloudy sky, and I smile. I have always loved the rain, and it made me want to get cuddled up with a warm drink and a soft blanket. Not that I had the time now.

I remembered the time when I could. Better times. A time before the wars that had ruined everything with their chaos. Before Earth was practically destroyed and my mom and dad were stolen from me. All I have left is my German Shepard, Bear, and an empty shell of a house to hold my memories. He was my solace in the lonely years that followed my parent's death before Lilly and Evey came along.

I rub my arms, feeling emotional and cold because of the breeze blowing in with the light sprinkle of rain. Water drips from the trees leaves and a crash of thunder brightens the sky.

A small sniffle is almost disguised by the pitter of pouring rain against the trees.


My head whips around, searching for the source of the noise. One tree has an indent that creates a small shelter, and inside it is a small boy with deep blue eyes and dirty blond hair. He sniffles again and rubs snot across his pink cheek with the back of his hand.

My eyes go wide as I step over to the child. He notices me, his eyes flashing with fear. I crouch down, almost eye to eye with him. He can't be older than two years old.

"Hello," I greet with a small smile. "I'm Emara. What's your name?"

The little boy looks over at me tentatively and sniffles again, shivering in the cold. He is so young; I grimace. Why is he out here all alone? The rain continues to fall, soaking the boy.

My eyes soften, and I grab the jacket from around my shoulders, moving closer to wrap the boy in it. "Can I take you to my house? It's very warm, and I can give you a cozy bed to sleep in with some soft blankets and a nice yummy meal." I try to convince him with a smile.

He sinks back into the tree, as if he wants to disappear. Another crash of thunder makes him jump and panicked eyes turn to me. The deep blue looks almost gray, like the color of the summer rain sky. I shift on my feet trying to keep my crouch balanced.

His little chest rises and falls dramatically as he studies me. Without warning, he crawls into my lap. His cold arms wrap around my neck, shaking as he lays his head on my shoulder. I adjust the jacket so that it covers his backside and he snuggles into me as I lift him off the ground.

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