Chapter 20 - Freaking Out

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Chapter 20 — Freaking Out


"Seriously, Courtney Cordelia Collins. What is wrong with you? Don't you have any self-control? Hug him? Seriously? A hug? A handshake or a wave could have been enough, but no! You hugged him! What is the matter with you." I scolded myself as I drove away from Chad's neighborhood.

I kept on thinking of the reasons why I did that. What had gotten into me to initiate a hug? To make things worse, I hugged him tighter than a friendly hug.

But it's just a hug. Stop being such a drama queen!

You wouldn't understand you stupid insensitive me! A hug is a hug. We're not exactly in a friendly term. So what's my excuse for hugging him, huh? And it's not that Courtney Collins just give everyone a hug! I do not do such thing. I could count the people that I hugged using my fingers, and yeah, it's not that much.

I pulled over to the side and tried to calm my breathing. I turned to look at myself in the rearview mirror of my car, and there I saw that I was still flustered!

I'm freakin' blushing!

Oh, crap. I'm in deep trouble. I could still hear my heart beating furiously. And I could still remember the way he hugged me back. How his body fits perfectly to my small one. How his strong arms wrapped me. I could still remember his smell. And he smells so damn good. It's intoxicating!

Oh damn it Courtney! What the hell are you doing? Can't you see that this is one of his schemes to make you fall for him? Don't tell me you fell for that so easily? Seriously? You're there to make him fall for you, not the other way around.


"Yeah. Focus. Focus, Courtney. You're over reacting. Gosh, what's gotten into you? You never gush over someone. They should be the one gushing over you. So stop this madness. You're The Courtney Collins, remember?" And that's what I said to my reflection. Well more of how I convinced myself.

But let's face it, I know that that's not the case anymore. I know that somehow, that Courtney Collins was nowhere to be found. She's kind of out of the picture.

Was I losing myself?

Should I still continue playing with this game?

* * * * * *

Weekend rolled out so fast that I didn't even realize that it's Monday already.

I was having mixed feelings about coming to school. I wasn't sure if I was excited or nervous. I'd never been this uneasy before.

I went to meet my friends at the locker area. They're busy talking and gossiping, as usual. That's their daily routine, so what's new? And surprisingly I wasn't in the mood to hear the nonsense gossip of the day.

"Hey Courtney." Terry said with a grin. Fiona and the others greeted me with the same enthusiasm as Terry.

Okay, that's weird.

"Want to hear the latest scoop?" Jenny asked in glee and excitement.

I raised my brow in question. But their grin just got wider.

Okay, now I'm curious. "Is this scoop has something to do with me?"

Instead of answering, Terry shrieked and hooked her left arm to my right. "Say, Court. Just curious. What's your plan after you get the papers from Chad?"

My left brow raised higher, if that was even possible. "Chad?" I couldn't help but notice that she used his name all of a sudden.

"Oh you know. Chad Treyson, the student assistant." Lucy said in a different tone.

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