Chapter 11

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"Adrian Rains if you dare do that I will sue you"
"You are my wife Lisa, you can do nothing"
"I am just tired of you, wife wife wife who is your wife I am your contractual wife don't you dare to break our contract"
"I will as you say but I have condition if you can fulfill that condition I am willing to do whatever you say"
"Shoot your condition"
"I want you to stay away from other male members in this whole world, you can have lunch, dinner, breakfast or if you want to ho shopping I will accompany you, but don't you dare to ask anyone"
"Ykw after meeting you again, I firstly thought you are a better person now but finally you showed yourself up again, you are a big bully I hate you to death, don't ever think you can control me your this techniques I will meet anyone I want, if you still remember the contract there is one condition in it that, you will not meddle in my life and you are interfering in my life now, I will never fulfill your condition"
"As your wish wifey"
He held her in his shoulder and took her to his bedroom
He putted her in bed,climed on the top of her, and kissed her passionately , she bit his lip again, this time blood came
" you enjoying doing that hh"
His had traveled all over her body
"Don't do this Adrian, you will regret"
"I will never regret babe, you are my wife"
She grabbed her strength and pulled him he fell outside bed
"I was right about you saying this she rushed towards the door"
He stopped her
"If you fulfill my condition I am willing to do anything you say for this lifetime"
"You are insane " saying this she left
When she got out of his room she saw jessa
"What the hell  you are doing in Adrian's house"
Hearing her voice Adrian rushed out of his room he saw Jessa standing before Lisa
"Jessa leave" he said in a serious tone
"So that's why you didn't have sex with me today because you found someone new to play"
Lisa was silent she gazed furiously at Adrian
"Ms. William I don't want to meddle in your life but this man standing here don't deserve your love that's what k would like to say, I may leave now"
"Wait! You are saying this because you are with him right, and wtf with your lipstick and dress do you think I am fool"
"Ms. Williams ask this from your boyfriend I have nothing to do with him or anyone else"
"Lisa where the hell you are going"
She turned around
"That's none of your business"
He wanted to grab her hand but Jessa stopped him
"Explain yourself, what the hell she was doing here"
" she is my wife God damn"
Tears started to fell from jessa's eyes when you got married to her
"See jessa I have already broken up with you, just move on " saying this he went inside his room
His emotions were mixed up he too didn't know what he was doing, why he was reacting that way he was confused
He called Lisa many times her phone was not reachable as always, he then decided to go company when he reached there was his coffee on his desk he pressed the buzzer , sound of knocking the door came
"Come in, where the hell you were"
"Sorry sir but I heard the buzzer a while ago" said sia
"Where is Mr..Ms. Johnson "
"She applied for leave today"
"Pardon me sir I don't know the reason"
"OK you may leave"
He then immediately called jack
"Trace Lisa for me"
He ended the call after saying this,

On the other hand Lisa was with zen after whatever happened with Adrian she just need time and space
"Are you sure, you don't want to inform him"
"Of course he is only my boss what else he can do, I just need time"
"He is just your boss if he is behaving like a big bully you should leave his company, there are many companies who want hardworking employees you can always join mine " he winked
"No, if I leave the company, I feel like coward,I just want some time for processing my mind btw thanks you came just after one call"
"Of course I need to, If a beautiful lady calls me" he chuckled then winked at Lisa
She laughed
"BTW you have to be careful around Jessa " he gaze became serious
"Why? She will kill me ?"
"No its like she is dangerous"
"Duly noted sir thankyou so much" she giggled
They were both were at florist Cafe sitting enjoying the food chit chatting with each other just then a familier man came towards them, it was none other than Adrian
"Let's talk" by glancing at Lisa he said
" I don't want to talk to you"
"Just leave her alone goddammit, stop bullying her"
"Zen you shut your mouth its between her and me " he said furiously
"No her matter is mine too, I am her friend whatever you want from her just tell me and leave her alone"
"She is my wife stop meddling in our life"
"You tried to rape her what you expect from me asshole"
As this words reached in Adrian's earlobe he grabbed him by collar and punched in his face, they both started fighting Lisa got up and tried to get them separated but failed then she called out some strangers to separate them
"Stopit you guys I want to be, alone" saying this she left
Lisa.. Lisa zen called out from behind but she didn't stopped

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