Oh Look, We Have The Same Stars

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2022 A/N: Guess who learned how to tag people finally? Thanks to NewLostIslands, who's beautiful artwork on Tumblr as well as their head-canons for Alaska compelled me to write this chapter. :) Their art is *chef's kiss*!

May 2024 Edit: Wassup folks, with this rewrite, I realised the timeline doesn't make much sense, sadly, as I forgot Hawaii was mainly a 1800s gal and not a 1700s gal. Oh well. Anyways yeah Aili's art is still *chef's kiss*, go support her and her webcomic, The Lost Republic.

Nothing could contain Hawaiʻi's excitement as she packed her bags for her trip to Russian America's homeland. She was going to go on one of the few ships that was not a whaling vessel, because otherwise, it'd take years to get back.

She had written countless letters, and had finally obtained permission to visit Russian America. The very few people in her land who did speak Russian made the letter-writing so much easier, though it didn't make the alphabet better.

She was allowed two weeks in Russian America's land. No more, no less.

Ka'ahumanu had specifically requested she take the offer, and Hawaiʻi had a feeling it had something to do with the rumours about minor rebellions to the new religion and all of the new laws in place. Whether this was true, she had no idea.

As of recently, she was forbidden to speak to the old ali'i and priests that didn't swear absolute loyalty to the new Christianity. All of this unrest was just another excuse to go while she still could, and visit the boy she had loved writing to so much.

It didn't matter much to her now, because this was going to be her first time out of her country, and she couldn't wait to see the frozen lakes and igloos and the... she looked at the word, mouthed it, said it a few times. The Native people of Russian America. She supposed it was their word for themselves, like how she was Kanaka.

Hawaiʻi had heard all about it from the many sailors. It would be wonderful to see his homeland, like how he had visited hers so many times. This was her first travelling expedition outside of her homeland, and she was so very excited to see what lay in store.

As soon as she came back, her king and queen were scheduled to travel to London, to visit the King of England, of all people.

And there were so many other countries she could visit, like France, Spain, or even Russia himself! Europe was so much bigger than her islands, and she couldn't wait to meet the countries that she never had a chance to on these little islands.

Pelelehua was smiling at her, making sure she was all ready. Hawaiʻi had told her not to worry, she was as free as someone could be now. She was allowed to do pretty much whatever she wished now that Hawaiʻi was on her way.

She wanted to let her have a chance to have a time to breathe, figure out things for herself.

As she left the hut, a group of children came running up to her. She knew the family well, having watched their five children grow and have children of their own. All of them had the same dark skin, button noses, and long, curly hair that her people were known for.

Kaimana, Onaona, and Maile were the youngest, and would always talk to her when she wasn't doing political things.

They presented her with leis and coconut frond baskets. She smiled at all of them, and kneeled so she could kiss their cheeks in greeting. "Aloha, Keiki!"

"Don't you want to stay home for just a little longer?" One of the little girls, Onaona, said, "We're going to miss you!"

"I will miss you all too." Hawaiʻi smiled softly, picking her up and putting her on her shoulders. "But I won't be gone for long! Do you remember the stories of Hawai'iloa? The man who sailed the seas and found other, newer places? Now it's my turn! One day, I pray that all of you will get to see outside these little islands!"

Where Mountain Meets Sea: HAWAII'S STORY (1)Where stories live. Discover now