Chapter 48

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The sound of heavy rain drumming against the window had been the ongoing chorus for the month of April, the rainy season finally coming at full force. With its delicate song filling the room, many students struggled to stay awake during the lectures. Unfortunately, I was no exception.

Since the events with Julian, there hadn't been any new developments while we've attended school normally. However, the memories of those events never left, and I found myself in a constant state of self-reflection. I stretched my hand down to my belly, pressing my fingers gently on the recently healed wound that was left by the hybrid. Although entirely closed now, a faint scar remained due to my reckless actions. Every time I looked at it, I used it as a reminder of my mistakes, as well as a learning lesson. Sometimes, you really did need to learn the hard way.

Eventually, Casey and Danny came to forgive me at their own times. One morning, Casey had walked up to me and given me a deep embrace, saying she understood. If she had the chance to save her parents, she would have done it in a heartbeat, no matter how many times she would need to. And for that, she forgave me.

Danny took a bit longer, respectfully, as he bore witness to everyone's pain when I was first hospitalized. If there had been a repeat after being under his supervision, he would have never forgiven himself. I understood, and although I wasn't expecting it any time soon, he had appeared in front of me one day to mutter those three words. I forgive you.

But that didn't mean I could absolve myself. After disregarding the feelings of those who loved me, it was difficult for me to feel anything else but callous. I suppose loss could make you a bit selfish, but that didn't mean I'd have to act on it.

The dismissal bell, signifying the end of the period, released me from my thoughts. Piling everything from my desk into my bag, I convened with my friends before making our way to the training room to meet with Dylan. The rest of our class huddled around us as we made our way there, gossiping about a string of crimes that were being committed as of late. I paid no mind, as there were heavier things to worry about.

We changed into our PE clothes before meeting at the platform, joining Dylan and a few other upperclassmen as we waited for the rest to follow. Kalmin stood at the very front, observing the students as they clustered onto the platform. With Julian no longer here, Kalmin stood in as an instructor, unable to trust any new applicants. He had preferred to take charge in cultivating the students' development, which I had the strange suspicion that his mindset was influenced by my mother. After all, that was her entire life. It felt fitting, considering he was someone who was able to fully shift into his animal.

With a brief nod, he moved to drop the platform, turning his back to us as we were lowered to the training grounds. He snuck a peek into his cell phone, no doubt following up on updates regarding the search for Julian, Damaris, and the hybrids. Kason was leading the search on Kalmin's instructions, which he fed through phone calls and messages. As the strategist of the Counsel, he was less needed on the field, making his new role as an instructor much easier to transition into.

Once the platform molded into place, Kalmin instructed us to move towards the middle of the neutral field, ensuring there was space between us, before sitting on the ground. Looks of confusion were shared amongst the students.

"There will be no fighting today, so I ask that you remain unshifted." He advised further, settling himself in the front of the field. "You'll be focused on meditating." Doubtful murmurs filled the air, everyone puzzled by the change in curriculum. Selena looked over at me and raised on eyebrow, his words entirely unexpected to her. I merely shrugged before bringing my attention back to Kalmin. Felix raised his hand, the bangs of his hair held back by a black headband.

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