Emira's beauty shop

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Hunter POV
They ran out of the cafe before I could say anything else, they were red and embarrassed. I wondered if I looked the same way. Well, they are going to the ball, maybe I'll see them there. I finished my food replaying the events in my head again and again before walking out of the cafe. I looked around for them, even though I knew they wouldn't be here. I slipped away into an empty alleyway to take off and got on my staff. I took off towards the castle to go prepare for tomorrow night, the ball.

Your POV
Emira and I sat on the staff, on our way back to her place. "So what kind of hair cut you thinking for tonight?" Emira asked. "Hm.. to be honest I'm thinking big transformation, let's change it up." I smiled. "Finally! I'm so tired of these girls who keep saying they want trims and yelling at me for trimming to much. There was one girl who told me to cut off, less than an inch. Some centimeters.. than! she decided I was cutting too much, took my scissors and did it herself. Then she cried and screamed at me when it looked terrible." Finally we landed in their front yard, Ed came running out the front door a few seconds later. "Hey Ed! How was the product presentation with mom?" Emira laughed. "Bad.." Ed frowned before moving his shirt up to expose bruises. "Jeez." I mumbled. "Anyway, hi (Y/N)! How was shopping?" He asked excitedly. "Hi Ed! It was good, we picked out the cutest dresses.

Hunter POV
Belos has a lot of ties, lots of formal meetings with the coven heads I suppose. He said I could borrow one for the ball. He said I could do there was no reason to sneak in to his room while he had a meeting but to be honest I didn't really want to speak with him right now. The curse had made him pretty irritable and I had a really good day, I wanted to keep it that way. I started digging through his drawer of ties, a blue one with stripes.. too fun, a plain black one.. not fun enough. A pretty green one, this- this could work! I picked it up and shoved it into my pocket before sneaking out of Belos' room. I walked down the hallway casually avoiding the gaze of the many guards lingering the halls. I opened the door to my room, quickly slipped in and shut the door. I flopped on my bed, I was used to staying out all day on patrol, missions and about a dozen other things but still, I was tired. I couldn't go to bed yet though, I still had more to do to get ready.

Your POV
I sat down in a spinning office chair in Emira and Ed's room. Ed was sitting on the floor in front of me, talking, laughing, joking and eating his slice of cheese cake. (We ended up getting him a second one when we went to get our seconds) Emira had gotten three sodas, one for each of us. Mine was sitting on the desk behind me. It was a white desk with a big mirror, there were various books, papers and pens spread out across the top of the desk relatively neatly and inside the drawer that was sticking out a little so Emira could get to it easily was hairties, combs, brushes, some snacks, etc. I wasn't allowed to see till she was done so the only thing I had to do was talk to Em and Ed. "So Ed, wanna tell us more about the presentation with mom?" I asked. "Not really." He said. "But.. since you want to know, that thing was crazy strong. Way stronger than it needed to be. It was terrifying." He continued. "oh?" I replied. "Wanna hear about our adventures?" I asked smiling. "Yeah, of course." Ed grinned. "We ran into the golden guard, or rather he ran into (Y/N)." Emira butted in laughing. "hm?" Ed responded. "We were walking into the dress store when the golden guard walked right into her! It was hilarious!" Emira explained. "Whoah!" Ed added. Em washed my hair with a fancy rose and vanilla smelling perfume combed out my hair, snipped it out (to your desired length) and (curled/straightened) it. "I'm done." She announced. She spun the chair around so I could see myself in the mirror. "Whoah." Ed (who had jumped up to stand behind me with his hands on the back of the chair) and I said at the same time. "I look so.." "Different." I said. "Beautiful!" Ed and Em finished my sentence at the same time. "Do you like it?" Em asked nervously. "Of course I do, you're the best!" I grinned real big.

Hunter POV
I ran down to the laundry room of the castle, I carefully ironed my clothes for the ball then walked back to my room and hung them up on my door. I put my cologne, deodorant, mouth wash, tooth brush and everything else I needed to get ready out on the counter. I made sure I had enough shampoo, conditioner and body wash, we had a supply closet in the castle that all the guards and everyone else who lived/worked here got their hygiene, cleaning and basic living supplies from that I could get more from if I needed it. I was almost out of conditioner, I sprinted down to the closet and stopped in front of it. Suddenly I heard someone clearing their throat, Kikimora was behind me. "What do you want?" I asked with a harsh tone. "Nothing, getting ready to go meet all your fan girls tomorrow?" She asked sourly. I stepped into the closet picking up the supplies I needed then walked back out Kikimora was yelling at me about something but I didn't really care, I continued down the hall back to my room.

Ukiyo; Living in the moment. (Hunter/Golden guard X Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora