Chapter Thirteen: Poisoned Apple.

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Sitting on the couch beside the boy, Rin stared at the TV screen, a bucket of ice cream in front of her. Cookie dough, her favourite. Rueben kept his eyes on the girl as she proceeded to shove spoonfuls of the ice cream into her mouth, her tulip lips growing plump from the coldness. "I knew you liked cookie dough so I just thought I'd get you-"
"It's a lot easier to cope with stuff when you can't feel a thing," Rin slurred, sticking the spoon into the tub, exhaling. "Why did you come over? Did Briar tell you?" Rueben stared at the girl, gulping loudly as he quickly shook his head,
"N- No! I heard you and Rin arguing the other day at the shoot and I wanted to make sure that you were alright," he told, Rin humming,
"It turns out that," she inhaled, "t- that the whole time I thought she felt the same way, she was lying to me." Clenching her teeth, she raised her head, blinking rapidly in an attempt to stop her gaze from growing blurry.
"What? How could she do that to you?" Rueben angrily asked, shuffling closer to the blue-haired girl, placing a hand on her shoulder,
"Money," Rin bluntly spoke, "she'd do anything for her own stupid fucking bar! She used me so we could get a fucking contract with the Adams Co. and her and Briar really think that I'm going to just let them do that shit to me!"
"Wait... you're not going to accept the contract? Rin, you're the entire reason we got offered them in the first place," the man told, "you'd be stupid not to take it! Are you going to let them get the contracts and leave you here like this?"
"I don't care what they do."
"You clearly still do care about Rudy, don't try and lie to yourself about that," he told, "but the deal that you got- that money could change your life," he spoke, Rin humming,
"I've done just fine like this," she whispered, "I don't need the money they made through lying to me."

"Right, you'll never guess what happened," Briar spoke looking over at the brunette sitting opposite to her, her cheeks puffed out as she chewed on a muffin. "Rin found out about the entire plan and she freaked the fuck out," she laughed, Celina's eyes growing wide,
"She found out? What about the contracts?"
"Don't worry about that, I can cover this up easily," Briar reassured, "Rudy called me and she was so fucking angry,"
"Is that how you got that mark on your neck?" Celina pointed towards the reddened mark around her neck, nodding her head,
"Yup, she's scarily strong, y'know?"
"You should've called the cops," Celina murmured, taking another chunk out of the blueberry muffin, Briar shrugging.
"Then I wouldn't be able to do that cover up and there is no way in hell Ryan Adams would have a criminal in his company, especially now more than ever,"
"Oh, you heard about the girl, huh?"
"It's been everywhere and the police called me in the middle of the night asking me if I had anything to do with it," she scoffed. "I don't want to get off track, I called you here for a favour," Brist told, "I need to make sure that Rudy is still seen going out with a girl,"
"Please don't tell me you're asking me what I think you're asking me," Celina begged, grabbing her coffee while the woman exhaled.
"If we're gonna keep the press excited then they need to see Rudy out with a girl and she slept with Rin quick enough. A grieving heart can easily be manipulated,"
"How deep of you," she commented,
"Thank you, I do try. So what do you say? It'll only be until I can dig up some dirt to put Rin in the doghouse so that she has to comply,"
"Well, I have something. When we were kids she used to eat dirt."
"With the state of her she'd eat anything," Briar responded, Celina laughing aloud, "and do you think something like that would make her scared? No, I need something like you found out about Rudy... something they could ruin her life if it got out,"
"Isn't Rueben at her apartment right now?" asked the brunette, "just pay him a healthy sum of money and if they get close enough she'll end up spilling everything. If you want me to, I'll try and find out what she told Rudy while they're together. It'll be like taking candy from a baby,"
"Can I call you my best friend now or will you stab me in the back like you did with Rin when she called you that?"
"Shut up."

Yawning loudly, the maroon-haired sat at the table beside her fiancé, her head resting on his shoulder. "So let me get this straight, to get the media off of our back quicker, Cherrie's now missing?" Lewis asked,
"Emmy came up with the idea. People are already starting to believe that we have nothing to do with the others because why would we kidnap our own, it would make no sense." Ry informed,
"But by doing so, you're also wasting police time," Rhys responded, his husband scoffing,
"Let them, it'll be fun to find out what my father finds," he answered,
"Now, now, Lewis, I thought we agreed that we'd find a harder case that will make your father blow his brains out." Will tutted, wrapping an arm around Cherrie,
"Don't worry about it, I needed a holiday," the maroon-haired told, sleepily yawning, "have fun with whatever shitshow is coming because I am outta here."

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