It's Over.

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(Song Playing : Tame Impala - Eventually.)

Do you ever get that feeling when you feel like everything you have worked hard for comes crumbling down?
Yup, me too.

I never thought I would ever find myself in this situation but, here we are. We're currently in my lawyer's office finalising our divorce.

Flashback :

I drove back home in a hurry to make dinner for me and Scott. Today was our second year anniversary, and I can't believe I get to spend the rest of my life with my high school sweetheart, Scott. Scott was the captain of the football team, earning the attention of most girls in our school, not to mention being adored by our teachers. I was the girl who was considered the wallflower, shy and awkward. I never played any sports cause, I was never interested honestly. I was however, an A student, always aced my exams, and made sure to stay out of trouble. Until one day me and Scott partnered up on a history project, and sure enough, we had chemistry and decided to try it out. We decided to go to the same college, with me majoring in Business Management, and him majoring in Engineering.

He proposed on my 19th birthday, of course I was nervous. But why the hell not, I said Yes. Our parents were extremely shocked to say the least. But they were supportive of our decision, and we got married 8 months later. We were happy, at least I thought we were.

End of Flashback.


22 years old, and a fucking divorcee. Now this is funny.

"Alright, Mrs Cruise, my client Mr Cruise is willing to give you $500 000 as part of the divorce settlement, as well as leaving the house to you. What do you say?" Said his lawyer, Mr Smith.

" I don't want anything that belongs to him, all I'll take is my clothes and my car."
He's sick in the head if he thinks I'll take any of his flithy money.

" Are you sure? Half a million is a lot to start over Mrs - "

"- I'm sure. I'll be fine. And it's Ms Campbell."

Scott looked at me with an unreadable expression. As if he expected me to accept the settlement.
Ha. Suck on that Cheater.

"Alright then...Ms Campbell. All that's left for you to do is to sign on the dotted line on the first, third, and fourth page."
Mr Smith passed over the papers to me.

I dried down my sweaty hands on my skirt and took the pen that was handed to me. With a shaky breath, I signed on the dotted line. It was happening. I am officially a divorced woman. It's over.

But I couldn't help but feel hurt, hurt that the man who was supposed to love me for all eternity would betray me. With MY BEST FRIEND?!?! Bitch never saw this coming, not by a long shot, that's for sure.

I'm standing outside the courtyard when in my peripheral vision, Scott comes into view.

"So....This is it huh?" Scott drawls out.

"This is. I hope you're happy now. I hope she treats you much better than I could've."  I look in the opposite direction to wipe the tears running down my face.

"I'm sad that it had to come to this. I'm sorry that I wasn't faithful to you, and I hope we can move forward on a good note " he said with a faint smile on his lips.

I couldn't take it anymore, so I ignored his last comment and rushed to my car.
As soon as I put on my seatbelt, I could not stop the tears falling down like a waterfall. I loved him, and I still do. But no more. I'm done crying over the asshole who broke my heart. No more Mr Nice Guy.

I drove home with a promise to make sure I come out bigger and better.

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