day 2

3 0 0

(daxton's pov)

3 am

she's back, but this time- with nothing merely but a book. i can't tell what it is based on the cover.

she also hasn't taken her eyes off of it since she walked in here. didn't say hello, didn't ask for anything, just as before.

her eyes looked tired. similar to mine, but less
'i can't sleep, i'm an insomniac'

and more
'i'm a sleep deprived because i'm a college student who's only life purpose is to graduate'

if that was even it, it might be something else. i guess we'll never know.

deciding to stop staring at her, i make myself busy by making her a latte. not that she asked for it, but it seemed like the nice guy thing to do.

this time- i make her a little foam bird. from all the countless nights of no customers- i've mastered the latte foam art thing.

i pause and look up at her- still staring at that damn book. i roll my eyes before walking up to her. silently placing the coffee on the table.

i go to walk away when i feel her touch my arm.

"i didn't order this" she says, looking at me with a tilted head.

i smile and run my hands through my hair. "on the house, no one comes in here at 3 am anyways"

before she could protest- i walk to the counter and sit behind it.

i pull out my phone, as i normally do. not good etiquette of course, but the old lady who runs this place could care less. as long as she has people to work, it doesn't matter.

i could choose the better option- which would be studying. but in reality, that'd be the bad option because i don't think straight at 3 am to begin with.

ding- 4:00 am

she left

an/ i understand these are short chapters, but i'm just getting a feel for this story! i promise chapters will be longer as the story progresses :)

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