Chapter 42

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Catherine huffed, trying to catch her breath.

She rose her head as she stared at the training ground. She sees Milivoj, Amy, and Rohesia training.

She watches how the trio moved accustomed. They knew how to fight and fair well with battling each other.

The blonde was aware of how amazing the 3 were.

She furrows her brows as she looks down.

Catherine knew she didn't excel in this field and accepted that fact. But had she known this situation would've happened, she might've taken up training in advance.

She was still feeling guilty for not taking action despite being aware of Amelie's situation. She thought it was enough to see her friending Royse.

In the end, she passed her job towards the redhead. Depending on him to help her cousin when in fact, she should've been the one in his place.

Catherine felt as if she failed at being a family to her.

Raising her head, she sees Rohesia walking towards her.

Shaking her thoughts off her head, she sent a smile towards the redhead. "Finish already?" She asks.

Rohesia nervously smiled. "Not really. Milivoj said he wanted to battle Amy-san for a while."

"Ahh, I see..."

The redhead stood by the blonde's side. She glanced at her and studied her expression.

Catherine wore the same smile, but Rohesia knew her eyes spoke differently.

"Are you ok?" She asks.

The blonde opened her mouth to assure her friend but stopped as she knew Rohesia would see through her lie.

"I'm simply guilty. I..." She paused, looking down as she held a solemn gaze. "I just wished I could've been a better family to my dear cousin."

The redhead frowned. Catherine was not at fault but she was sure the blonde would deny it. She knew the blonde was blaming herself.

"Catherine-sama..." Rohesia pursed her lips, trying to think of the right reply. "But, Catherine-sama will be saving her, right..?" She asks.

The blonde rose her head to look at her friend. She sees Rohesia gazing at her own eyes.

She felt lost at her gaze and opened her mouth to speak.

"Yes, this time, I will do my best." She spoke, feeling her former thoughts disappear with her new resolve.

Rohesia softly smiled. She leans towards the blonde and placed her head over her shoulder.

"I'm glad." She whispers.

Amy huffed as she blocked the incoming attack. After stopping it, the light user jumped back and fixed her stance.

Milivoj did the same as he gripped his weapon tighter. He stared at the lady before him with a smile.

"You've improved." He comments.

Amy simply smirked. "Obviously. Know that you're to blame for persuading me to join the knights, if you hadn't then perhaps you're stronger than me by now." She taunts.

Milivoj could only widen his smile. "I'd rather not take an easy win." He replies.

After their small talk, Milivoj rushed towards the lady and sent his attack.

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