Chapter 20

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On the night of the event, chupacabras dotted The Crimson Goat's patio like cows in a field. They lounged among the nests of pillows, sharing countless plates as they exchanged news about their packs.

Out of all of Saguaro Pack, only Rosa had come.

"Do they always have you tending tables?" she asked as she accepted her third bowl of duck blood soup. With how much of the stuff she and her partner were drinking, they were well on their way to becoming Ralph's favorite customers.

"Not always. We're a little short-staffed tonight," Miguel said.

While the chupacabras loved the revamped outdoor seating, the same could not be said of the waitstaff, most of whom weren't willing to set foot outside. Some of them already struggled with serving chupacabras indoors, the dim lighting failing to hide the fangs sinking into every dish. Outside, there was little they could do to avoid seeing the chupacabras' messier eating habits and even less to avoid the stares of the pedestrians hustling past the restaurant.

"Well whoever they have in the kitchen is doing a great job," Andres said around a mouthful of blood sausage. Now without the mustard that had left the bread soggy, it was well on its way to becoming the most popular dish of the night.

"Are you going to head back in there? It can't be comfortable to walk around in that thing," Rosa said, gesturing to Miguel's apron.

"It's actually really comfy. Best gift I've ever gotten." So much so that taking it off at the end of each night made him feel as naked as shedding his skin. Miguel folded his arms over his chest, hugging the apron closer to himself. "Can I get you anything else this evening?"

"We'll share an order of tarantulas," Rosa said. "Then we'll have whatever that table is having."

The table in question— a group of half a dozen Creosote Pack males— pounced upon their sausage platter as soon as Alejandro set it in front of them. He snuck a glance at Miguel as he refilled their waters, his smile so broad it lit up his entire face, down to the stubble lining his jaw.

Miguel stifled a thrum as he gave Alejandro a little wave. They couldn't afford to get too distracted by each other tonight, not with the customers watching.

"Ah, so that's why you like that fabric so much." Rosa chuckled as Miguel snapped his gaze back to her and Andres. "Don't worry, I won't tell Isabella."

"Is it that obvious?" Heat rushed to Miguel's face as he scribbled down their order.

"As obvious as the sun in July," Andres said. "One of my sisters gets the same look every time she helps out at the farmer's market. This one guy always comes by for more than the produce, if you catch my drift."

"And your pack allows it?" Miguel asked. It had never occurred to him that there might be other chupacabras like him who found humans more pleasant to be around than most.

"He makes her happy, so folks give them their space." Andres brushed a hand down his spines. "I honestly don't think anyone expected them to keep seeking each other out. She might find herself a mate someday or she might not, but for now she's enjoying his company."

"Are you saying you don't think it can work?" Miguel's throat tightened as concern coiled inside it like a snake.

"He's saying it's hard." Rosa's claws popped in and out the cushions beneath her as she fidgeted into a more upright position, leaning against Andres. "It's not easy for us, and we're just in different packs. Humans are... strange. Fragile. And I know you don't want to mate with anyone, but what if he does?"

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