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"Sam's going to bed. I'm gonna check that everything's good and then I'm going, too," Emily says to me as I unmake my bed. "Seth staying the night again?"

"Yeah, he just had to go home so Sue could make sure he was still alive and everything."

"Sounds good. Stay quiet and stay in here. I don't want to find you two sprawled out on the couch tomorrow morning."

"You got it. Quiet and won't move."

She smiles and closes my door. Seth's not far behind. I hear him before I see him, then he's behind me and kissing the back of my neck. I smile and put my hands on top of his, which are twined around my waist. He squeezes a little tighter.

"Back so soon?"

"Mom just wanted me to shower," his breath brushes my neck. "I can be fast."

"You usually are. You're a very efficient guy."

"Aw, thanks."


He spins me around and presses our lips together. "You tired?"

"Always, you?"

"Enough," he replies with a smile. I grin back as he pushes me down onto my bed and follows, his stomach pressed against my back. "Sweet dreams, love."

"You too, angel."

But I don't fall asleep. As tired as I am, something in me makes me want to stay awake. Try as I might, I can't fight it off, so I give up trying and just focus on Seth. His breath is soft and slow on the top of my head. He intermittently takes little breaths deeper than the rest. And as he dreams, his arms tighten and he shifts. I can't help but wonder what he's dreaming about. Me? Hunting? The pack? Something else? Literally nothing? It's anyone's guess. All I know is that I could watch him sleep forever and never get bored. In a very not creepy way.

He stirs slightly, and though I keep as still as I can, he rouses himself and smiles at me. "Am I really that pretty when I sleep?"

"You're that pretty all the time, angel."

In the soft light that the moon casts across my room, his features are more muted than usual. Seth isn't all angles by any means, but more angular in the normal light than now. He's all soft skin and smooth edges and all the warmest features possible in one person. That damn pretty.



"I..." he stops and stares at my lips. "I just..."


"Iloveyou," he breathes out quickly. It doesn't take a werewolf to hear how loudly his heart is beating in the silence that follows. I'm too much in shock to say anything. I probably look like a dud, with my jaw practically on the main floor of Emily's house. Seth's cheeks turn pink as we reach ten seconds of dead silence, save for his heart. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

I lean up and kiss his lips frantically. My hands flutter all around his face as I kiss him again and again, reassuring him with every touch. "Seth, I love you too!"

PROMISE - S. CLEARWATEROù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant