23 - Think

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"I'm going to cry." I sniffle.

Noah scoffs. "Shut up, Aaliyah." He pouts. He rolls his eyes at me when I make a few exaggerated sniffling sounds.

"My big brother is becoming an adult!" I gasp, grasping my chest as if I'm in pain.

"You're so annoying. I regret calling you."

I just laugh. "No, you don't." I call him out. He never regrets calling me.

"I do." Noah insists. "I just wanted to FaceTime you and tell you how great things are going over here, and you just make fun of me." He frowns, complains.

"I can't help it."

"Yes, you can." Noah sighs. "Moving on," He grumbles. "Mom says there's been a...fluke.." Noah begins.

I roll my eyes and grab my phone and angle it so he can see me. "What did she say?" I reluctantly ask him, spreading peanut butter on my bread.

Noah hums. "PB and J again?" He smiles, nodding to me through the screen.

I sigh and nod. "Unfortunately.." I cringe a little as I stare down at the slightly soggy bread.

"Need me to send you some money, kid?" Noah chuckles. He isn't making fun of me, it's a genuine question which is a little refreshing.

"No, I just don't feel like going to the—"


I frown deeply at the camera. "Please, Noah." I'd like a new dress. Maybe some shoes too.

Noah nods. "Okay," He agrees. A smile grows on my face. "So, Mom said you quote, 'lost her mind' and 'needs to grow a spine'." He raises a brow at me. "Jenna—" He suddenly blurts, his camera starts to move around a little.

I smile, he's probably trying to get Jason's little girl under control. "Well," I begin. "I did not lose my mind and my spine is just fine." I confidently inform.

Noah seems to figure out whatever Jenna was doing and sits down somewhere. He looks at me through the camera. "Did you call him?" He casually moves on.

I slowly nod. "Well...yeah." I awkwardly admit.

Noah's eyes narrow. "Did you do more than call him?" He whispers like little Jenna is going to run off to tell someone.

"I stayed the night as his place. Well—a couple of nights."

Noah scoffs. "I need to come back soon." He shakes his head. "A couple of nights? Seriously, Aaliyah?" He cringes.

"Ew—no. Not like that. Get your mind out of the gutter, Noah." I scoff. "I just spent the night. He slept on the couch." I defend myself from Noah's terrible thoughts.

Well, he tried to sleep on the couch.

Noah sighs. "Okay...so..you're back together?" He rests his chin in the palm of his hand. I bite the inside of my cheek.

Noah wouldn't tell Mom and Dad right? I mean...I just need someone to talk to about it. Someone who isn't him. Someone who isn't Liam.

"Aaliyah?" Noah drawls, knowing there's something more.

I break.

"Okay, so, Alex and I were never actually dating and he was just my boss and I really just needed someone to pretend to be my boyfriend so Mom and Dad would calm down and it worked fine because I pretended to be Alex's girlfriend in front of his family too so it was fine but now I think I might actually have feelings for him but he lives in Philly now and I have absolutely no chance anymore but I still really miss him and I've made friends with his friends so I guess I'll see him more often but that's really not good because I have kinda sorta feelings for him."

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