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Sydney's POV

My reluctance to be there was soon forgotten after my third martini. I watched Miley like a hawk while she sipped on her club soda.

"So relaxing." Miley mumbled as she looked around. It was a posh bachelorette party compared to the ones I'd been to. But it was fun.

Amelia's friends steered the direction of the activities. And Miley and I sat on the sidelines overlooking their interactions.

"You are gorgeous for an ex wife," one of her friends said. "Jesus."

I awkwardly smiled while she stared at me and sipped on her vodka. "Thanks?"

I noticed Jackie's stare from the other end of the firepit. "I'm going to get a refill." I told Miley. Walking over to the bar, there was an older blonde pouring a glass of wine for someone. "Can I get another?" I'd been looking at her since my first glass and tried to figure out if she was looking at me too.

"Yes. Are you having fun yet?"

I placed my empty glass onto the counter and sat down on a stool. "Getting there. See that young girl over there." I pointed. "That's my daughter."

"So not too much fun, huh?"

I shook my head. "Just a little. Can't be sober on a trip like this."

"And why's that?" She slid the martini over to me. "The bride's an ex of yours?"

I laughed. "No. Her fiancée is."

"I went to my ex's wedding. Her and I are good friends now." She leaned forward, her arms on the counter.

"It wasn't weird?"

"It was. Sometimes it still is."

I looked at the crowd behind us, trying to remember my own bachelorette party. "She's pretty, isn't she?" My eyes followed Amelia's steps. She seemed so happy.

"The bride?"

I nodded. "I'm happy that he found someone like her." I redirected my eyes to the bartender.

"What about you? Anyone special in your life?"

I could laugh at my strained romantic life. "Not for a long time."

"And why's that?"

"I've never been good at dating. The last woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with decided that she preferred women without kids."

"Ouch. I think she should have made an exception for you. I mean, I would."

I narrowed my eyes at the seductive smile on her lips. "That's really nice of you to say."

"Mom! Where's the stripper?" Miley looked at me, then at the bartender. "Do you know when he's going to be here?" Miley asked her.

"I wouldn't know."

"Miley, you better hope no one in a thong shows up, because we'll be leaving," I said.

"Come on, Mom. This is my first bachelorette and it's so boring!"

"What? This is the most fun I've had since—"

"That's because your idea of a fun night is vagina and drinks."

"Miley!" I yanked her arm. "You make me sound like a perv."

Miley laughed hysterically. "You're so vanilla." Miley looked at the bartender again. She was at the other end making a drink. "Give me a heads up if you're going to take her back to the room. I'll find somewhere else to sleep."

"Miley!" I rubbed my temples with my fingers. "Have you been drinking?"

Miley shrugged. "No."

I was sure someone slipped her a drink. "No more, okay? A buzz is good. Nothing further, please?"

"Fine, fine. I'll be with the fun people while you flirt over here."

I watched Miley walk away and sighed. I had two choices to make—either take Miley back to our room, or let someone else deal with her.

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