Thirteen - "The more pain, the more satisfying."

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Chapter Thirteen

Pia's POV

He doesn't remember his staff's first name. Why the hell did he remember mine?

I pretended not to hear him, that way, he would forget the question and move on to the next topic. I ate my salad, leaving the walnuts at the side of my plate. I love walnuts, and I was saving it for last.

"You have the same name, right?"

I pouted. He would not stop, until he'd get an answer.

You're trapped, Pia. What is your alibi now?

"No," I answered, even though I did not come up with a reason.

His dark brows rose, "no?"

"Yes," I shook my head vigorously, "I mean, no. We don't have the same first name."

His forehead furrowed, his expression doubtful. Obviously thinking that I was not making sense. Then I remembered Connor, asking about my real name yesterday, if Pia was short for Olympia or Sophia.

"My real name is Olympia, and my niece is Pia."

"Ah... Olympia," he nodded, then smiled, "nice name."

"I don't like it. That's why I prefer to be called Pia. If I could change my name, I would."

"I still think it's nice. I haven't known anyone with the name, Olympia."

My goodness, why can't he just stop and let it go. I'm struggling to keep up with the topic already.

"The name sounds like a strong, muscled, and athletic woman, which I'm not."

"You never played sports before?"

"I played volleyball during high school," it was the truth then, "but our coach gave up on me, I sucked in serving the ball," I could not help but laugh. I remembered my coach, Mr. Adams' furious face.

He chuckled, then gave me a penetrating stare, "you know Miss Rosi, you really look younger when you laugh."

Oh no, here we go again. I should keep in mind not to laugh or smile.

"Um, it's in our genes sir. The shape of our faces has this baby face feature," I defended right away "you should see my mom, she's eighty years old, but still looks like in her fifties."

"Really? I would love to meet her."

Darn it. Why can't he just let it go. I'm making up stories, and he's buying every piece of it.

He sipped his coffee, then continued, "actually, you don't need to wear powder on your face, Miss Rosi, you have beautiful skin."

My face burned with embarrassment. This man noticed every single detail.

Every minute, I became more aware of him. His compelling gaze, his sexy chuckles, his boyish smile, his dreamy eyes... my goodness, he made my head spin and my stomach swirl. I was afraid I was going to have indigestion.

"You're very kind, sir, complimenting an older woman. I have too many wrinkles. It's just not noticeable by the lights."

I adjusted my black-rimmed eyeglasses, with clumsy fingers. Feeling very uneasy about the attention I was getting from him. I was sweating already, despite the cold AC. The huge study room seemed to be getting smaller, suffocating me from this unwanted tension that was building every minute.

I finished the last piece of my steak in a hurry, as well as my orange juice. Thank goodness, we were almost done. I could not wait to get out of the room, and escaped from his penetrating glances.

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