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WE END up reaching the restaurant extremely late. Taking the extra time that we spent together, and the overload of traffic, into consideration, hopefully Anderson and Flynn won't be too upset. They probably got here late themselves, since they're never on time for anything.

"Well, well, look what the cat dragged in," Flynn stands up, and opens his arms.

"Yes, the cat and her kitten," Anderson teases. I glare at him, as Bethany sits down on the chair opposite his.

"Technically, a cub and her cougar, don't you think?" Bethany says with a brow raise, as I sit down as well.

"I like this one here," Flynn points at Bethany, and smiles widely, "you and I will get along, honey," I scoff and reach for Bethany's hand beneath the table, and she intertwines our fingers.

"I'm not a cougar," I mutter softly, obviously in denial. Labels, labels... I hate them.

"Andy here hates it when anyone asks us if I'm his son," Flynn mentions. Anderson clears his throat, and leans back, probably embarrassed. I would be too! Oh my god, is anyone gonna ask me that?

"You don't seem much older," Bethany tells Anderson, and he shrugs.

Flynn says, "eight years is nothing. But that beard he grows out in the winter makes him look like an old grandpa," I hold in a laugh, because I've teased him countless times about the bush on his face. He has a dimple on his chin, and if you squeezed the two sides together, it almost looks like a pussy! It's so fucking hilarious!

"You said you like it," Anderson mumbles.

Flynn looks at his husband and sighs, "not when it gives my thighs a rash because it's so prickly," I swallow and wave the waiter over to get us some drinks. That's an uncomfortable image in my head, yikes!

Anderson says with a blush on his face, "let's discuss something more table appropriate, please? Bethany, are you excited for tomorrow?"

Her hand tightens against mine, and my heart swells, "yeah, it'll be different from what I usually do. More permanent, you know. I mean, until my contract's up, and the screenwriter decides that it's time to boot me," her brow arches at Anderson, and he chuckles.

"That depends on the impression you make. But I'm confident you've already impressed the director," I press my lips together, and grit my teeth uncomfortably.

"Yeah, I think I have," she looks at me, and wiggles her brows. She finds this amusing, but I don't.

"So like, what's with you two. Girlfriends or just lovers?" Flynn asks.

"Anderson, I forgot to wish you happy birthday," I get up, and walk over to his side of the table. He rolls his eyes, as I pull him in for a hug.

"Happy Birthday from me too," Bethany's eyes land on mine, and I can see that she's waiting for an answer to Flynn's question. But didn't I ask her to be my girlfriend already? And she didn't answer!

Flynn says, "yeah, yeah, he's one year deeper in the rabbit hole. But seriously, are you two just a fling or something more?" He waves his hand in the air, representing his curiosity. Anderson nudges him, as I head back to my seat, the table becoming silent.

"Shall we order? I'm starving," Anderson tries to break the tension.

Flynn shrugs and opens his menu, "yeah, let's order then."

The rest of the night goes smoothly, and we avoid any talk about relationships. By the time it's ten, they have to head home to relieve the babysitter. And I'm happy that the night ended early, because I'm exhausted.

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