Cut Scenes Pt11

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11. There's a fight and you decided to run away? (5y/o)

You jumped up and down from joy, Jonathan looked between you and Jotaro while trying not to laugh.

"I won!!" you said and made your little victory dance and Jotaro groaned

"remember the deal Jotaro" Jonathan said.

"yeah, yeah, I have to do whatever she says" Jotaro said

"I think it's better than what you offered, you really told her to not talk to you for a month" Jonathan said.

"the deal starts from now!! Get up let's go!" you said and Jotaro got up, you got his hand and dragged him out of the room.

"we're going to play football!" you said and you got the ball.

Jotaro didn't really want to play with you so when it was his turn to kick the ball he kicked it far away so it would take you a long time to get it back.

"Jotaro I know what you're doing, that's not nice, you made a deal" Jonathan said.

"I don't care" Jotaro said.

"you can't break the deal now, plus it's only for today, she'll get exhausted soon and she'll want to sleep" Jonathan said.

You were getting back with the ball and before you turned the corner you stopped and listened to them.

"I'm not in the mood for that today, little by little she's getting more annoying" Jotaro said, you looked down, where you really getting annoying?

"Jotaro that's not nice!" Jonathan said.

"right now I couldn't care less, good thing she's taking a long time, I don't really want to spend time with her" Jotaro said.

"what has gotten into you!? Since when were you so mean towards her? Seriously stop it" Jonathan scolded Jotaro, you looked at the ball angrily, you turned the corner and got up to them, and you threw the ball in jotaro's face.

"(y/n) what was that for?" Jonathan asked.

"you're a liar and I hate you, don't talk to me ever again!" you yelled at Jotaro and then run to your room

"(y/n) wait!!" Jonathan said as he chased after you.

You got in your room and closed the door and then locked it, you heard knocking on your door and then Jonathan asked you kindly to open the door.

"I'm not opening the door to anyone! I don't want to talk or see anyone for today!" you yelled and then fell on your bed, you looked at the ceiling for some time and then you opened the TV and watched some cartoons.

After hours you heard a knock on the door.

"(y/n)? The food is ready, can you come out?" you heard Holly ask

"no, I'm not hungry" you said, but in reality you were, but you didn't want to go out because you felt betrayed and kind of a burden

You decided to just sleep, so you layed down and covered yourself with your blanket and slept.

Jonathan was taping his fingers on the table as he looked at his food and then he sighed.

"I'm really disappointed in you Jotaro, this time you crossed the line" Jonathan said as he looked at Jotaro.

"did you really have to say all those words? Did you have to act like that? You could of at least do what she said for today, it was only for today!" Jonathan said.

"you know it's not that easy for me to just be around something that has to do with dio because I was nearly killed by him and I almost lost my friends!" Jotaro said.

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