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Lucian's POV

Today was Emily's birthday. I had gotten up an hour ago and it was now eight. I called off church today unless it is absolutely needed. Emily was still sleeping so I decided to let her sleep. We weren't leaving until ten so we had a few hours.

"Emily?" Someone asked from the door. Guess she won't get any sleep. I hesitantly opened the door revealing Darius.

"What?" I asked. Clear venom in my voice.

"Zane made breakfast. If you want Emily to eat, I suggest you wake her up." Darius raised a brow. I knew him and Zane were of the few men who were not afraid of me, Rage and Bruiser were the only other ones.

"Fine, go away." I shooed him away with my hands. He rolled his eyes before leaving.

I went back to the bed. She would need to eat eventually. I lifted my knee onto bed and leaned over Emily. I placed a gentle hand on her cheek.

"Emily, darling. Wake up please." I tried to coax her awake. Her eyes opened slightly before she tried to push me away. "Zane made you breakfast." She must have liked the sound of food because she popped up.

"Zane did!?" Emily asked.

"Yes." I smiled. So food was her motivation. "But first," I pointed to my lips and Emily left a peck before getting up to change. "No. Come back here." I caught her wrist and pressed her lips back into mine. She got caught off guard but quickly reacted.

When I finally pulled away, Emily smiled and got back up to change. "I'm going to wear my new dress." She pulled out a white dress with blue flowers placed in rows. The dress looked to go just below her knees and was slim fitting.

"Go ahead, darling." I gestured for the bathroom. Emily disappeared immediately to go get changed. I chuckled and laid my clothes out. I decided on simple jeans and t-shirt. My cut was laying across a chair on the other side of the room. I was getting a new one made. It is supposed to arrive later tonight.

After Emily and I both changed, we headed downstairs. Zane had the whole dining room set up. Dishes were placed neatly and the places were all set. In the middle of the table was a large stack of confetti pancakes.

"Happy birthday, Emily!" Zane shouted.

Emily looked over the table than her family. When she looked up and me tears flooded her eyes. Immediately alarm bells went off in my head.

"What's wrong?" I asked. I bent down so I was level with her and saw a smile peeking through her tears.

"I- I've never celebrated m- my birthday like t- this before." She sobbed.

"Well now everyone of your birthdays will be like this." Dad assured her. He pulled Emily in for a hug than passed her to her brothers.

"We love you, Emily." Darius said. I haven't heard him give a phrase of endearment since he told a hang around she was "fine".

"I- I love you too." Emily smiled. After the hug party, we finally got to eat. Most of breakfast included me filling Emily's plate and and her complaining about it.

After breakfast, Logan took us to a diner in town. Josie would meet us there. I hoped Josie turned out to be who she said she was. Emily needs some girl friends. The other two mates haven't even met her yet so I can't say much about them.

"Some of my security will be there to keep an eye on things." Logan warned Emily. She just nodded and waited for us to reach our destination.

When we finally reached the diner I saw the five black cars that belonged to Logan. I knew Cerberus was around here somewhere with a few members. He just got back from the trip with Rogue. It went well. The neighboring MC agreed to help if necessary.

Josie was sat in a booth by herself, even though I know she wasn't alone.

"Josie!" Emily smiled as she sat next to her. I would have brought Josie to her sooner if I knew I'd get that reaction.

"Hi Emily!" Josie smiled back. Both girls disappeared into their own conversation as the rest of us piled around the table. Zane sat next to Josie which I thought was interesting. Of course I sat next to Emily.

"Where is he?" Logan asked. He was referring to Cerberus. I hadn't told him that he was here but I'm sure he knew.

"Across the street. Rogue too." I pointed to the abandoned building they were sitting at across the street.

"Assumed as much." Logan nodded to a booth across the diner. I caught a glimpse of Hannah and Vanessa.

"What the-" I pulled out my phone and texted Ghost, my other enforcer and Vanessa's mate. Apparently he didn't know either. He was pretty pissed about it.

"What's wrong Lucian?" Emily asked as she pulled on my sleeve.

"Want to meet Vanessa and Hannah?" I asked her. She looked at Josie who shrugged.

"Yes!" Emily smiled. I got up and made my way to the girl's table. Both looked up at me as if they've seen a ghost.

"Your husbands know your here?" I asked them. Hannah looked over Vanessa's shoulder where she knew Rogue was hanging out. "I'll take that as a no." I raised a brow.

"We wanted to protect the princess too." Vanessa crossed her arms. I knew she could defend herself just as well as my men but I knew Ghost would kill me for putting his mate in danger. Especially since she was emotionally fragile.

"Fine, but while you are here, why don't you come meet her." I waved my hand towards our table. Both girls jumped up and nodded.

"On it, alpha." Hannah saluted me before taking off to the table. Vanessa did the same. They surrounded Josie and Emily leaving me to sit father away from my darling than I'd like to.

"I'm Vanessa and that's Hannah. I'm Ghost's mate and she's Rogue's." Vanessa introduced herself and Hannah.

"H- hi! I'm Emily, which I'm sure you knew." Emily smiled at the two.

"I'm Josephine but Josie is fine." Josie introduced herself.

"It's nice to finally meet you two! It's been a month. Happy birthday by the way!" Hannah nudged Emily. Emily blushed slightly and thanked her.

They continued to gossip and complain about their men while Emily and Josie just listened. They seemed content so I turned my attention to Logan and the twins.

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