23 | twenty-three

771 23 0

Melionë Brewer

I rolled over and heard voices talking in the living room. I groaned and rubbed my eyes. Remembering what happened before I went to sleep, I bit my lip and whimpered. I sighed and sat up. I glanced at Percy who just stuck his head through the crack of my door. His tail started to wag as he trotted over to me. I patted him on his head, stood up, and begrudgingly walked out of my room. I glanced around the room. I saw Isaiah, Selene, then Ace. As soon as my eyes reached Ace, I broke down into tears. He shot up and ran over to me, suffocating me in a bear hug.

"A-Ace, I'm so sorry," I sobbed.

"Shh, it's ok," Ace whispered, stroking my hair.

"No, it's not, ok. I-I said terrible things," I cried.

"You didn't mean it," Ace mumbled against the top of my head.

"I-It doesn't change the fact that I said it," I shook my head.

"Hey," Ace said, with an accusing tone. "You owe me pizza."

"I...." I sniffled. "W-What? What are you talking about?"

Ace gasped. "You forgot about my victory pizza?"

"Why are you asking about this now?" I asked.

"Cause I'm hungry, duh," Ace scoffed.

"O-Okay, I'll order you some," I coughed, very confused about what was going on.

"Excuse me," Ace teased. "What am I? Chopped liver? You need to treat me to a nice hot dinner in a nice hot restaurant."

"Alright, I'll take you to Pizza Nova," I sighed.

"Yes!" Ace cheered. "Let's go!"

"But mom and dad are coming here," Isaiah objected.

I sighed and bit my lip, my shoulders sagging a bit. I want to make Ace feel better and if pizza is what he wants, then pizza is what he'll get. But now he can't.

Isaiah sighed and scratched his head, "I guess...I could ask them if it's fine to grab some pizza."

"Really?!" I exclaimed, my mood immediately perking up.

"Yeah," A small smile grew on his face as he watched my eyes light up with excitement. "Don't get too excited. I still have to ask them, I don't know if they'll say yes."

"Thanks anyway," I shrugged, walking over to him, and hugging him.

He pressed a gentle kiss on my forehead, then pulled out his phone and called mom and dad. While he did that, I walked over to the mini-fridge in my dorm and pulled out a Nestea soda can. I struggled trying to open it because my nails have grown pretty long and every time one breaks it rips at the skin part—which hurts. I tried carefully opening the soda can and failed at every attempt. Ace finally came to save me, easily opening my drink and grabbing himself one while he's at it.

Isaiah was talking on the phone, but I wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying. He looked over at me and hung up the phone, "Okay. They said we can get some pizza. But you have to be home right after."

"Yay!" I smiled, clapping my hands quietly. While everyone was putting on their shoes, I was grabbing a hoodie from my closet. It's embarrassing running out of a room crying. I didn't really want to be seen. Although that will be hard considering Ace, Isaiah, and Selene will be walking with me. When I finished, we walked out of my dorm, Selene locking the door behind, and walked down to Ace's car.

As we walked, people passing by would congratulate Ace on his win. Most of the time it would be a "Hi, Bye" interaction. And other times it would be a full-blown conversation. I tried to hide behind Isaiah because he's much taller than me and I am trying extremely hard for people not to talk to me. But of course, some people have seen me and asked if I was alright.

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