Bonus Chapter

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Axarii's POV

"Are you sure about this?" Xavier asked me again, I couldn't help but sigh out in annoyance.

"Yes, I'm sure." I told him before opening the door to the room.

Before I was able to walk into the room Xavier had grabbed onto my arm, pulling me closer to him. "I'll be out here if you need me." He spoke out softly before kissing my temple. I nodded my head in response.

"If you're not ready then we can-" He began but paused when I placed my hands on the sides of his face.

"I'm ready Xavier, there's nothing to worry about." I said, a small sigh coming from him. After letting me go, I finally walked into the room.

The guard greeted me before speaking, "I'll give you two less than 10 minutes." He informed me before closing the door behind him.

I walked towards the glass window, taking small steps. I looked at my older brother who smiled at me but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Hey Ari, it's good to see you again... how long has it been? About four years?" He asked.

"Yeah... sorry I'm now just visiting you." I told him. I felt as my heart dropped while I stared at him. He had a small bruise on his forehead, his hair slightly wet and he looked exhausted.

From the look on his face I could tell that he knew what I was thinking.

"Axarii, I don't need your pity." He muttered out as I sat in front of the window. "I'm not pitying you... who did that?" I pointed at the bruise.

"It doesn't matter who did it. How are the kids?" He asked. "You mean your nieces and nephew?" A small smile made its way on his lips.

"I'm pretty sure they all hate me, so I wouldn't refer to them as that." He was still beating himself up, after all these years.

"Bryant, they don't hate you. Serena hasn't even met you yet." I explained. "What makes you so sure I'll be getting out of here?" He asked.

"I just know okay! Stop giving me such a hard time." A deep chuckle came from him when I said that.

"Fine, what about Yumi?" He looked sad when he asked me that. "She hasn't visited you?" He shook his head.

"I tried calling her the other week but she hung up as soon as she heard my voice... I don't blame her, she didn't know about dad and I after all." He told me.

"But I'm surprised Xavier didn't come in here with you." He said, changing the subject.

"He wanted to," I laughed. "But I told him I'd be fine by myself." He nodded his head.

"Have you talked to Dakota lately?" He suddenly asked, catching me by surprise. Why'd he bring up his ex girlfriend, my therapist all of a sudden?

"Yes, we check up on each other ever so often. She's my therapist you know." I told him. He raised an eyebrow when I mentioned her being my therapist.

"I see." He spoke out, I didn't miss the small smile on his face. Did he miss her?

There was a moment of silence between the two of us. All I wanted was to hug my older brother. Let him know that I don't look at him any different.

"How are you?" I asked him. He looked shocked for some reason. "Have you been sleeping? Eating?" I added.

He smiled at my questions, "Eating? Yes. Sleeping? I try... there are some nights where I struggle to find peace. But I'm doing good." He admitted.

I found myself leaning closer to the window, "I promise I'll get Xavier to schedule a meeting where we can be face to face, where we can hug and laugh together... you will get out of here soon." I told him as tears began to form in my eyes.

Sadness swirled in his eyes. "I hate that you're beating yourself up over this. I'm here because of my own actions. You need to let me go and focus-" He began.

"Dad was manipulating you and you know it! He was using your grief against you Bryant. Stop trying to push me away. I'm your younger sister." I told him seriously. He looked like he wanted to say something else but he chose not to.

There was then a knock on the door before it opened. I turned around thinking I'd see the guard getting ready to tell me that our time was up but instead, it was Xavier.

"The guard was getting ready to come in but I told him I could let you know myself." He spoke out, now standing next to me.

So it's been 10 minutes already?

I watched as Xavier eyed my brother, not saying anything. Believe it or not, Xavier didn't judge me for wanting to keep Bryant in my life. Of course he didn't just forget about everything Bryant had did years ago.

'Family is family.' Was what he said.

"Xavier, we were just talking about you. How have you been?" Bryant asked him.

"I'm good." Was all he said. I couldn't help but shake my head at him. Why can't he just be more social with others?

After realizing that Xavier wasn't going to say anything else, Bryant cleared his throat. "Well now that we're all here, I need to tell you two something important." He spoke out, seeming serious.

"I don't know for sure, it's been bothering me for a while but I don't know if this will even happen." He spoke out.

"What do you mean?" Xavier asked him, his shoulders tensing slightly.

"All I know is that dad would be on the phone with some guy who helped him with some things... I don't know anything about him. So just watch your backs." He told us.

You've got to be kidding me.



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