Chapter 31 - The Mystery Begins (Edited)

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What was I thinking?

I thought to myself as I took another sip from the wine beside me and stared out into the evening sky.

Thankfully my parents were out for a business trip except for Bryan and the house helps so I had the free time to drink my worries away.

Friends don't kiss.

I thought to myself again as I took another drink from the glass I had filled.

If friends don't kiss then why did I try to kiss my assistant turned friend?

I thought to myself again not really expecting an answer.

It seemed like a flash or something like that... no wait... a rush of adrenal, cause I could've sworn I was pulled away by my own body once I heard his sister's voice.
I don't know why I did that but clearly his reaction got me confused.

The way he stood frozen in shock like I had just committed a murder scene in front of him. I had that same look.

Maybe I was stupid for thinking he liked me too.

Maybe he was straight, maybe I was straight.

"Woah there boy'o, calm down would ya" I could hear Bryan's voice getting closer as he spoke.

I opens my eyes to see him standing a few feet in front of me.

"Drinking away your worries isn't gonna solve them, instead they'll flow black to you" he said taking a sit beside me.

"But you don't understand" I said trying to take another sip from my wine which he immediately stopped me from doing as he reached out and collected the glass cup from me.

"Hey... I'm still drinking that" I protest lazily as I could feel the alcohol begin to take effect on me slowly.

"Not anymore" he said and poured the liquid into the sink nearest to us.

"I think I understand, my little brother is having some love issues, and as a love expert I'm here to advice you" he said with his signature smirk while pointing at me like he does in most of his magazine photo shoots.

I only groan in response and lay my head down on the counter.

"That's not the attitude for fixing your problems" He said nonchalantly.

"Maybe I don't know how to fix it" I say truthfully.

"Firstly, what did you do?" He asked as I raised my head up to reply him.

"I don't know... maybe I kinda almost kissed Marc" I said and used my hands to cover my mouth because the alcohol was beginning to take over my subconscious and now I'm blurting out things I shouldn't.

Bryan was taken aback a bit by my sudden confession.

"I did not expect that..." he said still in a little bit of shock

"Me neither" I replied.

"But why do you make it sound so bad? What did he do?"

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