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ellie grazer
#. 008

𝗜𝗧 𝗪𝗔𝗦 our last day of settling in and by now everyone had moved in, unpacked and become familiar with the campus. I myself had become aware of the place I'd be spending the next few years of my life and it was not disappointing that was for sure. I'd managed to roll out of bed a little earlier than usual and to kill time before Alina woke up, I figured I'd get some studying done as the topic lists my professors had put on, had finally been emailed to me. The work looked tough, I'll tell you that.

I was midway through being consumed into my organic chemistry note taking, when I took a notice to the abnormal ruffling of sheets and sniffles. My head lifted and turned towards the opposite side of the room where I saw Alina sit up with half shut eyes and saw as she dropped her face into her hands and rubbed her eyes.

"Morning." I said lightly as too not irritate her with instant loudness.

Her reply was a mumble or a humming sound in a tone of grogginess. The little acknowledgment slightly poked at my feelings but having the understanding that it was morning helped me to not feel so hurt about it. Not everyone enjoys mornings. I watched her reach out from the depth of her covers where she pulled her phone off of her desk and rolled over to face the wall.

I stared at her for a few seconds longer before forcing myself to indulge more chemistry thirty. Doing such things in the morning was something I was hoping to leave behind after abandoning High School, but I suppose not. I think my Mom's constant bitching about studying had actually weaved it's way into my brain, where I was now subconsciously doing it without her asking me to. That knowledge now couldn't help but make me frown out of petty resentment.


Around thirty minutes had passed before I heard more rustling dust the air. I looked up as a tired, yet slightly more awake looking Alina, stood up while stretching and yawning. She moved towards the bathroom and I listened to it close as I glanced back down at my study materials.

She was in there for some time, I assumed she was brushing her teeth and washing her face and that had actually been confirmed for me when she finally exited the bathroom and looked awake and fresh.

"Morning." She finally said back to me in her normal, sweet tone.

I smiled wide at her. "Morning."

"Sorry, I am not a morning person." She quickly summed up, a claim that I was already aware of, and headed towards the vanity.

I giggled at her statement and looked back down at my text book. "It's okay."

I heard her shuffle around and pull out the chair before seeing her sit down in the corner of my eye.

"You got any plans for today?" I heard her ask as I looked up and made eye contact with her in the mirror.

"Other than studying, not much." I shrugged. "Might call my Mom later just so she doesn't flip her shit."

"Seriously?" I heard her suddenly announce which made me pull a face. She turned around on the chair and looked at me with a dumbfounded look. "That's your plans? It's our last day before hell and that's how you plan to spend it?" Her tone was teasing but I could tell by her facial expressions that she was shocked.

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