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You walked through the halls of the hospital. Your shoes clicking with every step you took and your unkempt hair was tied up in a quick bun. You had a file in hand, a bit of urgency in your step as you made your way to the entertainment room.

Your cheek was all healed by now with just a small bruise mark to show thanks to the quick thinking of your friend Tanya who put ice on your wound the minute she saw it.

You could hear the crying and screaming as you neared the room. Your body entering a form of semi-jogging while holding the keys around your neck as you opened the door.

"Sorry I took so long-" You called to your colleagues which were only 2 people at the moment, restraining the individual that had curled themselves into a ball on the floor, heaps of tears already staining his shirt and forming a mini puddle. Thankfully the few other patients in the room were either too stunned to have an episode themselves or felt okay today and didn't feel the need.

You went to unlock the cabinet of medication quickly after having a scan of his file, pulling out the specific viles needed to calm him down and went to work.

You bent down, that saddened pit in your stomach aching when you looked into their eyes. It was just pain. Nothing but pain flashing in them as if saying to just please end their suffering right there and then.

"Shh, you'll feel better soon." You whispered gently as you picked their arm up and injected them. Their cries were dying down and their eyes fluttered closed. You sighed outloud when the noise had dissipated. The quiet atmosphere had come back, but now it was too quiet. Eerily quiet as everyone fully digested what they witnessed. Especially some of the new patients.

You had always wondered whether Marleyan soldiers dealt with the same PTSD as all of the Eldian soldiers you've met. Or is that something they too have the luxury of avoiding? You wouldn't be surprised. You've heard the stories. How Eldian soldiers are only their to build their trenches or go in guns blazing just to cause some dis-array. They were more descpensable than the fodder you were sure.

"Is it always like this?" You yelped from the floor. Turning around with your hand on your heart.

Those same emerald orbs that felt like they were listening and understanding all your concerns just a few days ago were starring back at you. A cheese cracker half way into his mouth as he bit off a small chunk of it. Admittedly you didn't want to go to him for awhile. It had been long since you ever confided in anybody after Reiner left and the fact that you did with a patient really made you second guess a lot of things. Yet, realized how silly you were being.  Pushing yourself up by the knees. You needed to keep up a proffessional demeanor and that's how it was staying.

"Not always." You answered him. "but often enough to not get used to the peace. I see you like the crackers?" You looked down at his small plate of food with a sense of accomplishment. Food was always a game changer in your opinion so it was really great to see him indulge in it.

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