Chapter 2

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He stopped, and so did Eloise's heart. Silence settled over the room as she stood watching his rigid back, trembling slightly with the fear that coursed through her veins.

He did not want her.

Common sense scolded her for her decision to belittle and offer herself up so cheaply to a man she knew nothing about. But this mysterious stranger seemed to be the only flicker of light to appear in her very dark life in such a long time, and it was his light that beckoned to her, pulling her in until she could no longer ignore it.

Besides, she would be sold tonight. Eloise felt it in her weakened limbs she would eventually give in to James' demands. She didn't think she could bear his abuse for much longer, and this stranger who was about to walk out the door was the only decent person in the room.

Perhaps he was married. Her gaze fell to his hands, his gloves concealing his marital status from her.

Her hope dwindling, she raised her gaze to his rigid back and silently willed him to turn around—to help her.

"I guess you're worth nothin'," James laughed, tightening his grip on her arm. "Completely useless!" he hissed. He dragged her across the room, and gritting her teeth against the pain, she fought to keep up with his long strides. When he paused behind the stranger, she shoved aside the tear that slipped down her cheek. "How about a penny? A penny, my good man, and she's all yours."

Fully expecting him to walk out the door, Eloise was stunned when he turned around stiffly. Rage clouded his eyes as he stared down at her, but his rage didn't make her cower, for she knew it wasn't directed at her—she knew it was James he was mad at. And when she stole a glance at his hands, she found them balled into fists as he struggled to contain his anger.

"One shilling," she murmured, stepping forward—as far as James' grip on her arm would allow—and holding his gaze.

Silence stood between them for several seconds. She watched the rage in his eyes slowly dissipate, his Adam's apple disappearing in the collar of his white shirt as he tore his lips apart and let out a shaky breath.

Nodding, he held up a coin and tossed it at James' feet, his eyes never leaving her. "One shilling," he said, holding out a hand to her.

James released her then, bending quickly to retrieve his coin.

With the support of James' arm gone, a wave of dizziness washed over her as she staggered forward and gingerly placed her hand in the stranger's.

His fingers swallowed hers. "Can you walk?" he asked quietly.

She forced a small smile to her aching lips. "I shall try."

"Here." Leaning down, he scooped her in his arms, his cologne teasing her senses once again as his warmth wrapped around her. Turning to face the door, he carried her out of the room.

Her heart drummed in her chest as they made their way up the dingy stairs of the modest tavern. Eloise knew there were rooms in the building, but she couldn't help the sudden fear she felt at the thought of being alone with a complete stranger. Perhaps she had made a terrible mistake! Perhaps she must insist his money be returned, and she be returned to James! But what good would that do? James would never concede to taking her back, especially now that he was rid of her; now that the responsibility of caring for a wife was off his shoulders.

James had always been a selfish bastard. It was greed that forced him to propose marriage to her, and when he realized she wasn't worth half the money he thought she was, greed had pushed him to sell her.

They reached the modest room on the second floor, and crossing the room to the bed, he placed her on it. He straightened, and reaching into his traveling coat, pulled out a gold pocket watch. Eloise bit down on her lower lip to keep from gasping as she stared at the expensive piece of jewelry.

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