Drug (Deadpool x reader)

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This is not an old one, I hope you like it. I'm trying to write spicy things but my morals stopping me. hopefully, soon I'll publish my unholy fics hehehee


someone paid you to partner up with another mercenary to assassin some gang members or whatever, but guess who you're going to work with? with The one and only Deadpool, You 2 are kind of enemies tho... shit.

You accidentally drank some random drink on the floor... guess what's gonna happen?


1-bad writing. 2-soft spicy. 3-Deadpool (soft tho) 4-violence. 5-drugs. 6-under the influence.

Yeah this is a random Idea I had and I wrote it I hope you like it!!!


disliking Deadpool for a long time without even knowing the reason, some mysterious reason that EVEN you don't know, he just makes you frustrated... idk

To him tho... He has the biggest crush ever on you but decides to act as if he hates you instead because, in his logic, you would never like someone as "ugly" as him

so in conclusion you both kind of despise and avoid each other... but with the writer's power those 2 are united together hehehehehe


finished from the mission already, I'm so thirsty, I knew I should've packed with me some wat- a random (water?) bottle on the ground.. hmm, I'm really thirsty, I don't think anything is going to happen...

meanwhile, Deadpool giving them some final blows and punches, you started feeling strange.. slowly your face started heating up.

Fuck it's drugged, what the hell did they put in this?

Deadpool looked at you "DONE ThAt was easy" cleaning his hands

panting, begging for air out of nowhere, it's not like I'm suffocating, but it's too hot... hoping Deadpool didn't notice...

Deadpool notices, "um.. hey are you alright" cleaning his katana from the blood

Your face turned redder after what he said, WTF, trying not to face him
"I'm... fine" collecting your things, taking your leave, well... almost

"I know I might not be the smartest person, but you don't look so good" his full focus is now on you, confusion was written on his mask

"wow thank you for the input" rolling your eyes and getting ready to leave from the window

"I didn't mean it like that, of course, you don't look good but you look worse than before," Deadpool said trying to joke but being serious at the same time

"Deadpool the mission is over, now leave me alone" about to jump out of the window but your body turns against you, your legs got wobbly resulting in almost DYING.

Deadpool caught you "Woah there, what the hell were you planning to do!?"
he's worried now

"don't get any wrong ideas, Just leave me here I can handle myself" trying to sound angry so he leaves you ugh!

he got quiet, trying to connect the dots of what was happening...

Oh God no! that's going to be SO embarrassing! + he's still holding my waist.

"as your partner in this mission I'm not leaving you here, you can't even walk on your own" started lifting you

"No. no, stop this, we are not friends nor even colleagues! so stop acting like one! I can do it by myself!"

To you, you sounded angry and capable of that but to him, it's obvious something is wrong + you barely said those words with a straight face

ignoring what you just said, lifting you up from your waist.

got you feeling some kind of way. oh god. he's still holding me

examining your eyes and your breathing "you look like you are under some kind of drug, oh IMAGINE if you took some kind of sex drug! THAT is funny!" laughing at his own joke

every touch from him sent electricity through your body

That bitch! why am I feeling this way just by his touch and words

Deadpool pov

hmm? blushing, heavy breathing, soft sounds, and constant swearing? interesting

Everyone pov again

This is getting too intense I need to leave before he realizes that his joke might be true...

pushing him from you, getting up as fast as you could, "I'm fine, now leave me alone!" heading to the window again to run before he finds out.

pulling you down on the floor without a sweat,

a small moan got out of you, covering your face embarrassment, shame washes over you.

he's basically sitting on you "did you just MOAN?!" in a high voice "you like it rough, I see" in low voice "so I was right! you are on some kind of sex drug!" getting closer to you, your breathing gets heavier

"wow... you are this bad huh.." low voice again

"Just leave me alone Deadpool, save the embarrassment for the both of us" literally begging

staring at him...damn...he's so freaking attractive, his body with this suit...

"why are you looking at me like you're going to devour me.." confused, feeling self-conscious now

with some power left in you, pushing him and getting on top of him "I'm going to tell you this for the last time" breathing heavily "leave before something you might regret happens"

this time it was his time to blush

seeing him from here, he looks so freaking hot

"hmm .. idk, what are you going to do" his smirk grows

"I'm... I..."

"yeah yeah come on"

"I... don't know maybe do something with that sexy body of yours" your face turns redder

"wh- did you- Nah your down badd"

returning to your normal state "I'm sorry I'm really sorry I need to go" getting up but then falling on him again, how embarrassing

smelling his scent he smells so good, everything about him looks amazing

grabbing you by your waist "honestly, you look so good on top of me, but you're under the influence, as much as I like it I can't" lifting you up from him


"Plus you would never say those things if you were sober" disappointed from his own thought, "why are you saying that.... you are hot, idiot" you finally admitted.

"Sure... wait till you see what's under the mask" getting up and cleaning himself up.

the drug intensifies, pinning him on the wall, "stop saying that!", "damn chill, say what",

"You know what I mean!" taking your gun out, "woah calm down there" Deadpool, "Stay! stay where you are or I'll shoot!" pointing it at him.

"chill! Ok I'm there, lower the gun now" Deadpool said,

we all know this gun can't do shit to him, but he's curious.

tying him up before he gets up, "finally, you look so good tied up like that" looking at him tied, lust covering your eyes

getting closer to him and hugging him smelling his scent "worth it... so worth it"

"You know you could've asked for cuddles? right! just say it! no need to kill me or TIE me up!"

"oh please, I don't think you can handle it" smirking at him.

ops unfortunately it's family-friendly -_-


this is family-friendly unfortunately, that's why it turned out like that, I'm such a hypocrite because I read smuts a lot but I can't write one -_- well I wrote some but I'm too shy to publish them here 

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