Chapter 3 : empress reveal and a fallen

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3rd Pov

In the student council room we could see to girls playing a game of chess these two girls were Y/n and Sona shitori as for Y/n she already knows her real last name as sitri and the little sister of Serafall Leviathan, formerly known as Serafall Sitri During the war between the Old Satan Faction and Anti Satan Faction, she was part of the Anti Satan Faction that opposed the Old Satan Faction, which ended in their victory, and she was eventually promoted to the position of Satan Leviathan, losing her right as the heir of the Sitri Clan in the process making Sona the next heir of the sitri clan.

But enough about that both Y/n and sona were focused on the game but little did sona know that the next turn y/n has will be the end of the game.

Y/n: Are you sure you dont want to surrender sona? I might make my order a bit easier if you did.

Sona looked at Y/n Dumbfounded how could Y/n even win at this point the only pieces she has are 4 pawns, 1 rook, 1 king, and a knight she was clearly on a disadvantage at this point but Y/n just kept on smiling im sure shes just bluffing sona clearly have the advantage here she still got a complete set of elite pieces and only 4 pawns Y/n is like throwing all her pieces away on purpose sona looked at the board again and see at Y/n's side there was 5 cards 4 in her hands and 1 facedown on the table to be specific yu-gi-oh cards and there was a small stack of yu-gi-oh cards at her side sona was a bit puzzled about this but choose to ignore it.

Sona: ill pass its very clear your the one thats gonna lose Y/n im sure you could see that i still have more pieces than you.

Sona then moved a rook towards the end of the left side as it devoured Y/ns rook .

Y/n: my poor sona you should have just surrendered when i told you i was just gonna order you to get me some ice cream but since you rejected my offer.

Y/n then face-up the card at the table card from the table as it revelead to be a spell card (Raigeki) and then suddenly the chess pieces on sona's side dissapeard and showed it self outside of the board besides the king of course sona was of both was wide eye and confused for a bit but she snapped out and looked at Y/n as Y/n's smile turned into a smirk.

Sona: But....How-

Y/n: i already told you sona you should have surrendered instead.

Since sona didnt have a single card on her side it was still Y/n's turn as she draws a card from the deck at her side which now is 5 cards at her hand Y/n's smirk widens until it became a large creepy smile as she revealed it to be 5 monster cards (left arm of the forbidden one , left leg of the forbbiden one , right arm of the forbidden one, right leg of the forbidden one , and lastly exodia the forbidden one) as she revealed exodia of the forbbiden one a dark presence was suddenly in the room as sona could see a dark shadow with red glowing eyes looking at her behind Y/n who was showing the same glint of glowing red eyes like the shadow sona was of course scared no she was teriffied!

She was holding her breath as she locked eyes with the shadow she doesnt know whats going on it felt like hours to her she couldnt remove her eyes as it kept staring at her before sona could do anything a knock was heard.

She blinked at that moment and looked at where the shadow creature is but it was gone but Y/n's smile was still present on her face before she could say anything a knock was heard again of course sona quickly fixed her self and replied.

Sona: C-come in!

Sona's voice was a bit shakey but fine she was still terrified for sure its not everyday that you encounter something unexpected per say . The door opened revealing tsubaki looking tired Y/n glared at sona which of course sona understood to keep her mouth shut.

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