It's a reunion long in the making

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It took me one minute to hate you,
It took me two years to come to love you,
It took you three words for me to hate you again.
It took me four months to give up on you.
It took four years to see you,
And it took me five seconds to love you again.

Things of course escalated, the Mafia was unwilling to give up seven billion yen and the Agency weren't the type to give up a member so easily -well majority.

Akutagawa would have rather not taken up the job anymore if he knew Dazai was involved, but they were enemies and he was sure Mori wouldn't appreciate it in the slightest if he still cared about a traitor.

Once the case with the Azure king was solved and Dazai and Kunikida had their little row, Dazai went missing.

Kunikida suggested that Dazai had run off to jump in a river again, he wasn't technically wrong, because Chuuya's eyes were definitely deep and beautiful enough for someone to drown in.

Dazai had purposefully gone and gotten himself captured, not to see Chuuya, because honestly, the thought made his hands clammy and his knees shake nervously. Instead, he wanted information on who had put the bounty on Atsushi's head in the first place, hopefully, if he could get information then things would get a lot less convoluted.

The news that the renowned, youngest port mafia executive was currently chained up in the basement waiting to be executed, filtered through the building much quicker than most would anticipate, no one dared to go there unless they were told, other than Akutagawa.

He wasn't going there to hurt Dazai but rather to tell him that he'd been dispatched to capture Atsushi
and would soon after be shipped off to the buyer, if the Agency wanted to do something they better act fast. It was against his job in all aspects but he really could care less, he hadn't waited four years to see Dazai again just so he couldn't speak with him.

"If you're scheming something to save the jinko you'd better do it quick, I've been told to go capture him and if things don't go smoothly I'll have to hurt him... and I'd rather not," Akutagawa announced as he walked down the gloomy staircase, coming to a stop just as he came face to face with Dazai, hands in his pockets seriously, though Dazai could see the hopefulness in his eyes.

"I have a rough outline of a plan, you won't need to kill Atsushi."

Akutagawa raised an eyebrow "Good, I'd like not to, and if there's a chance he can take Kyouka, then even better," he admitted with a cough and a look of bashfulness that he could only relate to Chuuya.

Dazai sucked in his cheeks in wonder "Seems like it's a lot more than not wanting to kill him and to get Kyouka out of the mafia to me," Dazai spoke, finding great entertainment in Akutagawa's redlining cheeks "Is there something you need to tell me~?" he sing sang.

Akutagawa huffed, looking away "I think...I think he's cute... I don't know, it doesn't matter anyway," he murmured, looking back at Dazai with resolve "He's my enemy."

"So am I and yet you're helping me, also if I see Chuuya again-"

"You will. I'll make sure of it."

Dazai sighed, he didn't really want Akutagawa to know that the idea made him nervous, four years passed, Chuuya had probably moved on and got on with his life, Dazai doubted, even with how loyal Chuuya was to him, that he'd date a traitor anyway.

Akutagawa, despite not understanding his own emotions very well, was surprisingly well-tuned to other people's and could immediately tell that Dazai was -very uncharacteristically- nervous about the prospect of seeing Chuuya, "You're nervous, aren't you?" Dazai was about to protest but Akutagawa cut him off "You're nervous about seeing Chuuya again."

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