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"Go on a date with me," Jungkook commented out of complete left field, as we sat alone eating our lunch in the office.

"Wha- what the heck are you on about?" I nearly choked, forcing down a huge bite of food. After our exchange in the park, a week or so had passed, and Jungkook had returned to treating me more casually. We were able to joke around and tease each other just like before. But right now, he sounded absolutely crazy. This was one hell of a joke.

"Go on a date with me, and if it's as horribly awful as the last three you've been arranged to go on, I'll stop giving you a hard time about marrying the first living, breathing man that your father approves of."

"Ah, so you are going to play the role of prince charming to prove to me that not all men lack any inkling of knowledge on how to inspire romance?" I snorted at the absurdity of the idea. "Trying to prove to me that I'm wrong for settling?"

"Something like that," he smirked, evidently confident in himself.

I nearly asked him again why he cared so much, but I remembered that I promised myself I wouldn't go there. Things had just gotten back to normal between the two of us and I didn't want to ruin it. "So, where will our date be?"

"Uh-uh," Jungkook shook his head and wiggled a finger at me. "It's a surprise, just dress comfortably."


I'd probably spent way too long dressing and dolling myself up, but it was a date, after all, right? Technically, it was a fake date, but a date, nonetheless. That was how I intended to justify my behavior, anyways. I opted for a simple, white crop top and a long, flowy green skirt. My hair hung in loose waves down my back. Cool and casual- perfect for the warm summer night.

A pleasant breeze blew through my hair, tickling at my skin, as I waited patiently out front of my apartment. A vehicle that I didn't recognize pulled to an abrupt stop in front of me, and out stepped a man fitted in denim jeans, combat boots, and a loose-fitted black tee. Jungkook. Even after the time spent in close quarters in Jeju, it was still jarring to see him without his suit and tie and nerdy glasses.

Our exchanged greetings were brief, and we drove mostly with the music from the radio filling the silence. Unusual for us, as we could talk endlessly with little to no effort. It may have been the setting, or the idea of this being a 'date', that was creating some awkwardness between us. I caught myself nibling at the skin of my fingers as I peered out of the window, trying to stop my mind from racing. Was he feeling the same anxiety as me?

The car came to a stop in an area I didn't recognize, and Jungkook turned to face me, a bit of hesitation in his voice. "I hope this isn't too boring for you...I just got the sense that you like being outdoors."

We stepped out of the vehicle, and I took in the scene, staring in awe with my lips parted. Glittering strings of lights were draped across trees, bushes, and flowers, like a beautiful ocean of color before me. A winding stone-paved path led further into the dark of night, barely visible. The rhythmic hum of insects was the only sound filling the air.

"I'm sorry if it's too simple for you...my family grew up without money, so I had to learn to find the beauty in small things like this," he scratched the back of his head and let out a nervous chuckle.

"It's gorgeous, I love it," I sighed out contentedly. I took his hand in mine, unknowingly, eager to follow the path and discover more. Something I'd never seen before. I'd been to every five-star restaurant, every high-end resort in the city, but I'd never been somewhere so beautiful.

As we walked, hand in hand, I found myself staring up at him, unable to peel my eyes away. I'd expected him to follow the same suit as the rest of my dates, desperately attempting to impress me with lavish luxuries. But an effortless stroll through a stunning public garden, just enjoying his company, was more amazing than anything I could have anticipated. It felt human.

"What is it?" He looked at me curiously.

"It's just strange- we're from completely different worlds but I feel so at ease with you," I mumbled. "We've both struggled because of wealth but for very different reasons."

"You think it's weird that get along so well?" he brought a hand to his mouth, amused.

"Well, yes."

"It's more than just a shared struggle that draws me to you," his eyes grew serious, but a smile played on his lips. "It's the way your eyes sparkle when you see people wearing the clothes that you helped design. The way you check on the staff and make sure they are eating and taking breaks, even knowing no one will realize it's you."

I felt my breath hitch in my throat. "You noticed things like that?"

"I notice a lot of things about you, Y/N," he spoke gently. "I know you act tough to protect yourself, but you're actually one of the kindest, most considerate people I've met."

Standing so close now that I could hear his breathing, I reached out my hand, longing to pull him even nearer. In the same moment, I forced myself to pull back, retreating my hand to my side, as I considered the consequences of my actions. Jungkook was right about one thing- this date did feel different from the others. As my heart pounded mercilessly in my chest, I had to wonder if he was merely acting to further prove his point, or if he truly meant the things he said.

Secretary Jeon [Jungkook x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now